Moneygram Money Order Fraud

We have all been hit by the economic recession in this country and money is the center of attention all the time.

My son has been searching on-line for employment and fell into the hands of the famous or not so famous MoneyGram money order scam. Thanks to observant parenting we caught it before it could get him into trouble.

The scam is done by a supposed company or someone posing as a legit research company in Europe or Canada. They send out a general e-mail stating that you could make $800.00 to $1000.00 per week. Now we all know that would sound appealing to anyone right? The person, supposed Human Resource Manager then will ask you to apply if interested. After you apply with your name, address and phone number you will be hired as an Financial Payment Coordinator. They will make you feel like you are part of an elite organization for research.

See the attached example of the e-mail.



I am Mrs. Cecilia Frale and I am a visiting fellow and human resource manager with European Network of Economic Policy Research Institute.

ENEPRI is an organization that seeks sponsorship from clients/donors who fund the various research programmes around the globe.
We are searching for a financial payment contractor for our company who is willing to work for us and get paid weekly without leaving his/her present Job within USA and CANADA.

Our clients will be making payments to us in money orders, certified or cashier checks and you shall help in the processing of the payments to us.
Subject to our satisfaction you will be paid 10% on any transaction processed.

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If you are interested, fill the form below

Full Name:
Address(Not P.O.Box) :
Zip Code :
Telephone No :
Age :

Thanks In advance
Mrs. Cecilia Frale
visiting fellow
[email protected]


Sounds good, right?

The next step is you will receive money orders from the supposed donors to forward to the supposed research coordinator. And they ask you to go immediately to your bank and cash them. This is were you are in trouble.

Most banks will cash these money orders if you are in good standing with the bank or have that amount in your account.

Then after you Western Union the money to the supposed research recipient coordinator somewhere in Malaysia your trusting bank gives you a call and advises you that the money orders were no good !

Now you are negative a couple of thousand dollars with your bank and in trouble for cashing fraudulent money orders.


I have checked these money orders with MoneyGram Customer Service 1800-542-3590 and they are fraudulent copies of money orders that have been cashed previously.

Please watch your unemployed money starved teens. Do not let anyone else fall for this scam.

I would think thousands of Americans have lost money and are falling for this scam.
