Missouri DOC Bans Inmates from Seeking Pen-pals on the Web

From June 1st 2007 Missouri Department of Corrections implemented the “Ban on web use” policy. the state of Missouri has an inmate population of approximately 29,900 each and one received a letter informing them of the Ban and telling inmates that it is their responsibility to ensure that any ads they have on web sites are removed. The letter also informed inmates that any inmate found to have ads will be issued with a conduct violation.

Missouri cited fraud as the reason for this ban, it seems a small number of inmates used Pen-pal ads as a way to prey on a handful of naive people however reports from some Pen-pal sites that cater to those in prison report very few complaints come in from the public as most enjoy a close friendship with those that they correspond with. I myself have a Pen-pal that is in prison and over the years we have become great friends, he has never asked me for anything more then my friendship. Although the ban on web use is meant to protect the public it is also becoming a tool to punish those in prison even further.

one such case of a Missouri inmate receiving discipline actions is that of Byron Case a young man that was convicted in June 2002 of murder and armed criminal action for the 1997 slaying of Anastasia WitbolsFeugen. since his conviction Byron’s family and friends have tried to raise awareness of this case in the hopes of restoring Byron’s freedom. Byron was convicted solely on the testimony of an embittered Ex girlfriend, as there was no DNA or physical evidence tying Byron to this crime.

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Byron is a classic example of how the Ban can be used in malicious way in order to attack not only the inmate but their family and friends also, a former pen-pal of Byron’s is using the the DOC rules to punish Byron, not for the crime that he stands accused, but instead for simply not returning the feelings of an emotionally unstable young man.

Byron Cases Loved ones used the social networking sites My-space and Face book as a means to direct people to Byron’s website freebyroncase.com and to inform people of Byron’s situation, neither of these sites contained contact information for Byron and neither had been used as a means for Byron himself to make contact with the public. these sites were established and maintained by loved ones of Byron simply as a support tool.

When the Missouri DOC implemented the ban on pen pal ads Byron was in possession of a pen-pal ad on the website friends beyond the wall.com which in accordance with DOC rules Byron had removed, however in recent months things have taken a sinister turn with the my-space support page being deleted several times and then a constant supply of anti Byron pages emerging and disappearing just as quickly. the supporters of Byron Case where subjected to a constant attack of abuse and the personal pages of those that defended Byron were being deleted on mass.

A group of young Australian supporters of Byron’s were hounded almost daily by Byron’s stalker with attacks ranging from personal to even going so far as to being abused for being Australian young Luka who is an avid supporter of Byron said about the stalker ” We felt as though he wanted to hurt everyone that stands beside Byron, it had nothing to do with Anastasia, it was because Byron didn’t return his feelings and only wanted to be friends.”

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Recently the Missouri DOC received a complaint about the support pages of Byron Case on the social networking sites the fraudulent complaint claimed that the pages were in direct violation of the Ban on web use, the DOC took action against Byron by issuing him with two conduct violations,.

The official conduct violations cite multiple counts of fraud and disobeying a directive to cease all web activity, the punishment for this was Byron lost his Honor dorm status and was moved to a housing unit that is on lockdown for 22 1/2 hours a day, he was placed on 10 days cell confinement and 30 days activity restrictions (which included the suspension of phone privileges and recreation away from the cell) Even though Byron himself had no control over the pages and Byron’s loved ones have taken full responsibility for them, this has made no difference to the punishment Byron has received.

Shortly after Byron was punished his family, friends and supporters were once again subjected to the attacks of this unstable individual, with a new page emerging with the words of “I WON” boldly displayed on it, friends of Byron’s were once again having pages deleted without warning or explanation, and then Bryon’s mother became a target.

An email sent to Evelyn Case as follows:

Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 19:05:25 -0800
To: [email protected]

You can tell Byron that his punishments are courtesy of Don. I was happy to hear that he has felt the sting. I will make sure that he regrets betraying me. I offered him my help, my kindness, my friendship, and how did he repay me? With betrayal. I will do everything in my power to make sure that he suffers for his betrayal.
I am an excellent friend, but I am a vicious enemy.

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so what exactly was Byron’s betrayal? he was honest and told his pen pal that he did not want a relationship with him, he was honest in telling him that he wanted only a Platonic friendship. and it was this honesty that has led to an insane attack on Byron and those that care and love him.

As a society we believe that those in prison must be guilty, those that support them must be insane and that inmates are the last group that its ok to make fun of and attack. If this were to happen to a person on the outside we as a society would be outraged but because Byron Case is in prison we accept this behavior from this type of predator. those that are in prison have Families, friends and loved ones and it is them that suffer too when this type of thing happens and there loved one is preyed upon from those on the outside.

for more on Byron Case and his situation please visit www.freebyroncase.com