Sonny Bono Assassinated? How Many Others Are Being Intimidated?

Congressman Sonny Bono died in 1998. Was it a skiing accident or was it a cleverly designed assassination? Former FBI agent, Ted Gunderson says it was an assassination. Some call Ted Gunderson a conspiracy nut, some back up this theory. This is what Ted Gunderson has said so far.


Gunderson says he does not believe that an experienced skier like Sonny Bono would have had the accident portrayed in the news. He believes that a woman was along the trail, that she beckoned Sonny Bono for help. He believes that Bono started towards the woman to help and noticed two male figures coming out of the woods. At this point it is surmised that the two male figures possibly, assassins, clubbed Congressman Sonny Bono to death. It was thought that mounting Bono in front of someone, as a cushion of sorts, and running his body into the tree was an attempt to cover the real method of assassination. Were authorities too quick in calling it an accident?


Ted Gunderson believes that the reason Sonny Bono was the target of an assassination was because he was about to link top international government officials to drug and weapons dealers. Investigator Bob Fletcher said he sent evidence of a 10 year study to Congressman Sonny Bono bout the links. He sent the study less than 1 month before Bono died.

Allegedly, Bono received threats from people connected with this investigation. But he refused to back down or back up. And was accutely aware of the possible dangers in going forward with the investigation.

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Some top forensics experts are backing Ted Gunderson’s claims and feel that Nevada authorities jumped to quickly on the accident theory.


There are many questions that this theory brings about. Not the least of which is who are the officials that were named in the report? Is there a continuing investigation on this drugs and weapons/ government officials link? If not, why not? This theory makes a wonder how many Congressmen/women are finding themselves in similar situations. Whether it be from an outside source or an inside source. Whether it be death threats or threats of assassination of character.

Was Congressman Sonny Bono assassinated for knowing too much and making making people nervous with what he would do with that knowledge? He was going to make it priority 1 in getting something done about it. Is Ted Gunderson’s assassination theory really so unbelievable?

Time will tell. IF there is a study of evidence about drugs and weapons being linked to international government officials, the American people should know about it. IF those who serve in our Congress are under this kind of intimidation, we should know about it.

Sources: the Australian news