Miracles of the Brown Scapular

The brown scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, called the brown scapular for short, is a small cloth garment attached to cords and is worn over the neck and shoulders. The brown scapular is the most popular scapular worn by Catholics in devotion to the Virgin Mary. For the devotee, the scapular holds the promise from the Virgin Mary that she will protect them in life and save them from hell when they die. Thousands of miracles have been attributed to the brown scapular. How did the brown scapular come into existence?

History of the Brown Scapular

In the 13th century, Simon Stock, a Carmelite order monk, was praying, and the Virgin Mary appeared to him. She handed him a brown scapular, along with the following promise:

“Take this scapular, it shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace. Whosoever dies wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire” (freebrownscapular.com).

Initially, the brown scapular was worn only by the Carmelite order, but by the end of the 14th century, confraternities were established and lay people began wearing the scapular as well.

The Sabbatine Privilege

In 1322 the Virgin Mary appeared to Pope John XXII and told him that she would deliver from purgatory on the first Saturday after their death those who had worn the brown scapular with devotion, so long as they observed chastity according to their station in life and they recite the Daily Office or Rosary every day. This again is another promise by Mary to protect those who consecrate themselves to her and her son, Jesus.

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Miracles of the Brown Scapular

Many miracles have been attributed to the Brown Scapular. Here are just a few of the miraculous circumstances given by Catholicism.org in which the scapular was involved:

* In France, a soldier in battle was shot, but the bullet hit his brown scapular and no mark was left on the man’s body.

* In Holland, a monk of the Carmelite order threw a brown scapular onto the flood waters that were about to destroy a village and the water receded.

* A passenger ship from London, “The King of the Ocean,” sailed into the Indian Ocean, and a tornado came onto the waters and almost capsized the ship. A Protestant minister James Fisher prayed fervently to no avail. An Irish Catholic crew member took off his brown scapular and threw it into the sea, giving the sign of the cross. The storm calmed down and a small wave came onto the ship, carrying the brown scapular to the feet of the crew member. The Protestant minister and his family converted to Catholicism as soon as they arrived in Australia.

Many Catholics wear the brown scapular with devotion to the Virgin Mary and with the confidence of her promise of protection and eternal life. When Pope John Paul II was shot in May 1981, he told the surgeons working on him not to remove his brown scapular. He attributes his survival of the assassination attempt to Our Lady, the protectress of Christians, and her brown scapular.
