Miley Cyrus New “Do” – $24,000 Hair Extensions!!

Although 17-year old pop star Miley Cyrus was recently spotted minus her ultra long hair extensions — they are now apparently — back with a vengeance. Not the old ones silly — she spent $24,000 on brand new hair extensions!

Who knew Miley’s hair extensions cost as much as a new car, or the downpayment on a house!?!?

Hopefully this is not a news flash to anyone — Miley Cyrus does wear hair extensions — apparently very prices ones! The lengthy waves that you see flowing down her back are definitely not 100% hers — like many celebrities Miley sports expensive human hair extensions (also known as a hair weave). states —
Sources told InTouch Weekly that, “Miley bought the best hair possible, and then had it dyed to match hers exactly. Her hair is an investment.”

It comes as no surprise that Miley reportedly had the hair flown in from Italy to New York. The hair extensions were reportedly delivered to hairstylist Kristina Barricelli at New York City’s pricey Gemini 14 salon. After that — Miley’s new hair — and her hairstylist — were flown to L.A. for Miley’s hair to be styled.

We actually thought Miley looked great, with the more natural short hairstyle she was recently seen sporting at LAX. She actually looked like a 17-year old. Perhaps she was not fond of her appearance minus the glamorous hair extensions though — in the summertime heat, the shorter hairstyle definitely had to be more cool and comfortable.

You can judge things for yourself. Take a look at Miley Cyrus without the hair extensions at LAX last week.

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Oh well – the long tresses are now back.

We honestly don’t see anything wrong with the $24,000 hair extensions. Miley Cyrus works hard — she earns her own money, and it’s definitely her choice how she chooses to spend it.

Album Update
If you are wondering how the latest Miley Cyrus album is doing we are too. According to The New York Times, “Can’t Be Tamed” is merely the song that gets her past the teen-pop ghetto and on to other choices. Don’t live a lie/This is your one life,” she sings at the beginning of “Liberty Walk,” the album’s first song. But the lie might be that Ms. Cyrus has some core truth that she’s faithful to – on that song alone, she tries out four different vocal strategies, including rapping. Her greatest crime isn’t that she’s maturing too quickly: it’s that it’s unclear where she wants to go.”

Luckily, Miley Cyrus is still young enough, where she has plenty of time to figure out what her path will be in life. Miley has not even turned 18 yet. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed, and hope she does not follow in the footsteps of certain past pop icons.

Coco Perez
NY Times
