Medicine Review: Pills that Make You Feel Good?

Jet-Alert Caffeine Pills

I use Jet-Alert, a caffeine pill market by Bell Pharmaceuticals, to perk me up or stay awake for a little longer each night. I purchased them at the local Wal-Mart, and for a mere $2.99 for 100 pills, they were quite the bargain. Each pill contains 200 mg of caffeine, which is roughly the equivalent of two cups of coffee. They are small and easy to swallow, plus they do not taste bad, leaving no bad aftertaste behind. They are as safe as drinking coffee or soda pop, as long as you take the recommended dosage of them. There are no bad side effects, and they work very quickly to give you that extra pick-me-up. They are not habit forming so they are safe to use over a long period of time. Jet Alert caffeine pills can really help when you need a boost or to stay awake for an extended period of time.


Lexapro is a very popular drug nowadays that is used for the treatment of depression and anxiety. I started taking Lexapro after the birth of my second child and a bout of post-partum depression. I was able to get a prescription after I described my symptoms to my doctor, I was not depressed but more anxious and upset all the time. Lexapro worked great for me at first. I had almost no side effects from taking it. The only thing that happened was I had a bit of dry mouth for a few days, but other than that, I felt fine. After a couple weeks of it getting into my system, I began to feel more calm and relaxed. The anxiety lifted and I was able to function without getting so upset over the little things in life. I used Lexapro for about a year before I started to feel as if it was not working anymore, so I went off of it gradually. It was a great product while it lasted, and I have since recommended it to many people.

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St. John’s Wort

I have used the herbal St. John’s Wort off and on for over 10 years now. I first started using it back when I worked two jobs and was continually stressed out. It takes about 2 weeks for it to fully kick into your system, but after that, it works great. St. John’s Wort takes the edge off, but has no bad side effects that might keep you from normal, everyday activity. The main ingredient is called Hypericum Perforatum, which is St. John’s Wort, in 300 mg a pill. The recommended dosage per day is 900 mg. The capsules come 90 to a jar, so a one month supply is only usually around four dollars in Wal-Mart, an excellent price for such a great product. They are easy to swallow and easy on the stomach. St. John’s Wort is great for people with mild depression or anxiety, I know it worked wonders for me!