Baking Soda is Much More Than a Baking Product

Baking soda is a great product with so many uses. Many people know it is for baking but, don’t realize just how handy that little box of baking soda can be in other areas of the house. Baking soda can be used for everything from cooking to cleaning and even deodorizing. It also works well for soothing insect bites and bee stings. Below are some of the many uses that I am aware of for this great product.

The stove:

The next time you are cooking and have a fire on the stove don’t panic. A little baking soda sprinkled on the flames will instantly put the fire out.


Baking soda is great at removing a variety of stains from fabric. When using baking soda on fabric you should always try it on a hidden spot first just to make sure it will not alter the color of your fabric. If you have a blood stain, moisten the stain and then rub baking soda into it, this can help to get the stain out of the fabric. A baking soda paste works well to get rid of sweat stains and smells in clothing. You should rub the paste onto the stain before you wash the clothing. For really bad stains you might have to let the paste sit on it for a couple of hours.

Sometimes when there is vomit on clothing you can still smell the vomit even after you have washed the clothes. If you rinse the vomit off before washing and sprinkle baking soda over the area and rub it in before washing this will help you get the vomit smell out. This works really well when babies spit up on their clothes also. Stains from wine, fruit, soda and juice need to be treated quickly. You can put baking soda on the stain, and then run hot water over the back side of the stain to help get the stain out before it sets into the fabric.

If crayons go through the washing machine they can make an awful mess on the clothes but, this might help you to salvage them. You can rewash the clothes in the hottest water that is allowed for the fabric, and add one half to one full box of baking soda to it. Many items like hats and sweat bands can pick up a strong sweat odor that seems hard to get out. These items can be soaked in baking soda and water to help you get the smell out. This also works well for items that have a smoke smell on them. In general, if your clothing has any type of odor to them this method will help you get the smell out.

For stronger smells like oil, gas and kerosene it helps if you put the items in a bag with baking soda. For the best effect you should leave the items sealed in the bag with baking soda for a couple of days before washing them. Baking soda can also help stop odors in the laundry before they start. If you know that the laundry will have to sit awhile before you can wash it, sprinkle it with baking soda. You can also put baking soda in the bottom of your hamper. This will help stop odors from starting. Baking soda works well for other aspects of the laundry also. For brighter whites and colors you can add one half cup of baking soda to the wash with your regular laundry detergent. Many times linens can appear stained after prolonged use, adding baking soda can help refresh the look of your aged linens. If you are sensitive to fabric softener baking soda works great for that also. Add one half cup of baking soda to your rinse cycle in place of fabric softener.

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The washing machine:

You can use a baking soda and water paste to wash the inside of your washing machine. When candy or gums gets accidentally washed in the washing machine you can use a baking soda paste and a plastic tool to clean the stuck on items off the inside of your washing machine

Pots and pans:

Baking soda works great on your pots and pans also. Here are some simple steps to help you with cleaning them. You can remove stains from white or light colored enamel pots by boiling baking soda and water for ten minutes. Scrubbing the pots with a baking soda paste also works well to get tough stains off. For a roasting pan sprinkle baking soda in the pan. Combine one cup of hot water and one third cup of vinegar, pour this over the baking soda. This will create a fizzing action and help to loosen and remove the cooked on food. For stains in non stick frying pans you can boil four tablespoons of baking soda and one half cup of water in the pan. This will also help get out any left over food smells that may still be on the pan. If your copper bottomed pans have lost their shine sprinkle them with baking soda, pour vinegar over it and use a half of a lemon as your scrubber. Your pans will shine like they are new again.

The refrigerator:

Baking soda works great for eliminating smells in the refrigerator. Place a fresh opened box in the refrigerator. One box can usually be used for up to three months. If you have a lot of odor you may want to replace it sooner for the best effect. Baking soda can also be sprinkled in the crisper bins to stop odors in there. Sprinkle it in the bottom of the bin and cover it will a dry paper towel. This should be done every three months like the box. A baking soda paste also works well for removing many of the stains a refrigerator may get. Washing the inside of the refrigerator with baking soda and water will also help to remove tough odors.

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The trash can, sink and trash compactor:

Baking soda works well for odors in the trash can. Adding baking soda to the bottom off the trash can before you replace the bag helps to cut down on a lot of the odors. Placing a box of baking soda under the kitchen sink like you do in the refrigerator can help stop odors that may build up in there. Baking soda can also be sprinkled in the trash compactor to help with odors.


Baking soda is great for appliances. White appliances often take on a yellowed look. To solve this problem mix a quarter of a cup of baking soda with a few cups of warm water and wash down the outside of your appliances. Allow it to sit for about 15 minutes before wiping it clean and it will help remove the yellowing look of the appliances and bring back the whiteness.

The dishwasher:

Not only does baking soda remove odors and clean the inside of the dishwasher but, it can also be used as a detergent for cleaning your dishes. To clean the dishwasher, pour one cup of baking soda into the dishwasher and run it though on the rinse cycle. This will help to get rid of build up in the dishwasher and it will help with any odors that may be lingering inside. To use baking soda as a detergent, mix one and one half tablespoons of baking soda with two tablespoons of Borax. Use this instead of your regular detergent. You can also sprinkle baking soda over the top of the dirty dishes after they are placed in the dishwasher. Sprinkle some in the bottom of the dishwasher also. The baking soda will not only work as a detergent but it will help keep the dishwasher clean at the same time.

The microwave oven:

If you use a microwave oven then you know that with continued use the microwave begins to build up a variety of odors. To solve this problem mix four tablespoons of baking soda with one quart of warm water. Use this to wash out the inside of the microwave. Baking soda also works well for removing cooked on food. Mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with water in a microwave safe cup or bowl. Boil it in the microwave for a few minutes. The steam will make the inside of the microwave wet and it will be easier to clean. This will also help to remove any odors that may be hanging out in the microwave. You can also store a box of baking soda in the microwave in between using it to help stop odors from building up.

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The drain:

Baking soda is amazing at unclogging drains. Not to mention it is a lot cheaper than buying products that are designed for this purpose. It’s even cheaper if you use the old box from your refrigerator. To unclog the drain pour one cup of baking soda down the drain and then pour one cup of hot vinegar down the drain. This will create a fizzing action and help to loosen what ever has plugged it. After the fizzing has stopped, run hot water down the drain. It may take a couple of times doing this. Another option is to pour one cup of baking soda and one half cup of salt down the drain. This method works the best when allowed to sit over night. Pour boiling water down the drain. Baking soda to clean the drain will also offer the added benefit of getting rid of odors in the drain. Of course baking soda can be used at any time in the drain for eliminating odors.

Insect bites:

Insect bites can cause terrible itching. And bee stings hurt and can itch also. Often times when a bee stings it leaves it’s stinger in the victim. To soothe insect bites, make a baking soda paste and apply to the bite. Let the paste dry before washing off. The same applies for bee stings. The paste will also help to draw the stinger out if the bee has left it behind.

Baking soda can be used in so many other ways also. Baking soda can be sprinkled in the bottom of shoes to help eliminate odors. You can make little sachets filled with baking soda to hang in the car or to place in gym bags and lockers. These are the ways that I know of that baking soda is useful although, I am sure there are many other ways. The next time you are out shopping grab a box of baking soda so you will be prepared for that stain, odor or clogged drain.