May 21: Holidays and Celebrations Today

Happy May 21st!

May 21st is a special holiday. In fact, every day’s a holiday for someone and for some reason.

Although we may not know the origins of many of these holidays, avid celebrants will participate eagerly in marking May 21st as a most special day for so many different reasons.

Here are several of the most popular May 21st holidays (arranged alphabetically):

Allergy Alert Day

Are spring allergies bothering you? May 21st is the day to take notice and take action. Don’t Let Spring Allergies Ruin the Season for you. Click here for specific and practical instructions for averting allergy symptoms and suffering.

“I Need a Patch for That” Day

Quilters, appliqué artists and other needleworking enthusiasts will be busy on May 21st for “I Need a Patch for That” Day. One would hope they would be particularly careful with their needles and scissors, so extra patches would not be needed for wounded human anatomies.

(“Yep, that’ll leave a mark.”)

National Memo Day (U.S.)

Take a note. Send an email. Catch up on correspondence. May 21st is unofficially National Memo Day. Why is it unofficial? It would take an Act of Congress to make it legitimate. Still, mountains of memos are sent on May 21st. Why not join the fun?

Neighbor Day

How well do you know your neighbors? May 21st is Neighbor Day, an ideal opportunity to become acquainted with those who share your building, subdivision or area.

If you think your neighbors are eccentric, you will want to read about mine. Click here for “Perturbia in Suburbia.”

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Strawberries and Cream Day

May 21st offers an excellent excuse for gustatory indulgence. After all, May 20th was Pick Strawberries Day, so it only makes sense that folks would choose to eat their fresh bounty today.

Strawberries and Cream Day is marked by bowls of luscious red berries, drowning in fresh cream. How about strawberries with whipped cream?

Besides, May 21st is also Feast of the Triple Scoop Day, so you are fully free to add a few scoops of your favorite ice cream to those fresh strawberries today.

Turn Beauty Inside Out Day

Although the history of this holiday is unclear, the meaning has merit. Do you know anyone with exceptional inner beauty? Who has great character qualities, drawing your respect and admiration?

May 21st, Turn Beauty Inside Out Day, is your chance to let such people know how much you admire them.

Waiters and Waitresses Day

Penny-pinching patrons, beware! May 21st is Waiters and Waitresses Day. If you eat in a restaurant on May 21st, please be sure to leave a generous tip for your waiter or waitress.

Special Saints Days (Various)

The Calendar of the Saints lists the following for May 21st: Adalric, Adilio Daronch, Agapetus of Vologda, Ageranus of Bèze, Ammonius of Egypt, Ansuinus, Antiochus of Caesarea, Bairfhion of Killbarron, Benvenutus of Recanati, Berard, Catherine of Cardona, Collen, Constantine, Donatus, Eugene de Mazenod, Eutychius of Mauretania, Genesius, Godric of Finchale, Gollen of Denbighshire, Hemming of Åbo, Hermann Josef of Steinfeld, Hospitius of Cap-Saint-Hospice, Hyacint Maria Cormier, Isberga of Aire, Manuel Gómez, González, Martyrs of Egypt, Nicostratus of Caesarea, Pafnutios of Egypt, Paternus of Vannes, Polius of Mauretania, Polyeuctus, Rodron, Secundinus of Cordova, Secundus and Companions, Serapion the Sindonite, Sifrard, Theobald of Vienne, Theophilus of Corte, Timothy of Mauretania, Valens and Companions, Vales, Venantius of Vienne, Victorius, and Vivaldus of San Gimignano.

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Notable Anniversaries on May 21st

The American Red Cross was established on May 21, 1881, based on persistent efforts by Clara Barton. The organization celebrates its anniversary annually on May 21st. What a wonderful opportunity to donate much-needed funds to support disaster relief and other humanitarian programs by the Red Cross.

Various Other May 21st Holidays

May 21st is also Anasternarides Feast Day (Macedonia), Birthday of the Goddess of Midwifery (China), the Festival of Demeter (Greece), Lilies and Roses Day (UK), Navy Day (Chile), the Oberammergau Passion Play (Germany), St. Helena’s Day (Eastern) and U.N. World Day for Cultural Dialogue and Development.

Happy May 21st to one and all!

Did you know . . . ?

This is Work-at-Home Moms Week. Let’s celebrate all of those multi-tasking mothers, who juggle their families, home-based businesses and other responsibilities.
