Five Steps for Dealing with a Jewelry Allergy

Jewelry has been present for eons. Men and women throughout history , to the present day, gain personal confidence in themselves, their social identifications and status through the jewelry they wear. Many have difficulty wearing it in spite of a great desire to do so.Are you among them?Do you wonder if it could be an allergy?Do you know you have an allergy?

You may have developed an allergy and not realized it. If you know you do, there may be some steps you can take to minimize discomfort you are experiencing. or you may simply find some things to avoid or to look for when you purchase a piece of jewelry.
If you make jewelry there is helpful information for you.


The first step is to consider that you may have developed a jewelry allergy. This is not uncommon.. An allergic reaction may appear soon after contact with an item, or it may occur after months or years of comfortable wear. Some itching, discomfort,or redness may be the first indication that your skin is reacting to the piece. The individual will react differently.

To some it is easy to realize and recognize that an allergy is developing. The discomfort is such that there is no doubt.

To others it may be more subtle in developing with a bit of itching or redness which they do not recognize as an allergy. This is especially true if the person has had no previous problems with the piece or wearing jewelry in general.


The second step is knowing what a jewelry allergy is.


Jewelry allergy, experts agree, primarily comes from the nickel content in the metal components of the jewelry.For those who experience allergy even to Gold or Silver, the pure form of these metals are soft. They are mixed with other metals primarily nickel, zinc and copper to help harden it so it may be formed or casted into the desired shape .Zinc and copper do not harm the skin , but skin is always sensitive to nickel. People who are allergic to jewelry are allergic to the nickel it contains , not the jewelry.

The allergy that occurs by wearing real or costume jewelry is referred to as Nickel Dermatitis,Contact Dermatitis or Nickel Allergy.It is a contact allergy (Coming upon contact with the offending substance which irritates the skin.) which can come at any time at any age.The individual body reacts to a different degree with nickel depending upon the tolerance and susceptibility levels of the person.It is not known why these variations occur or to predict whether a person will develop this allergy.Scientists will no doubt know more about this in the future.Currently it is thought that there is a family tendency in most cases but not all. It is a sure occurrence if the person has had reactions to other products containing nickel that a jewelry allergy will develop.

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The third step is identify the symptoms and daily living situations that intensify the reaction.

The allergy is caused when the skin comes in contact with the nickel.The nickel is absorbed into the bloodstream.As in reaction to any foreign body present,the cells react to combat it.The cells react negatively.When this has occurred, every time the skin comes in contact with the nickel it causes a reaction.The skin will begin to erupt. As a result, the body develops an allergy. This entire process may develop in hours, days, weeks, months, or years. It varies for the person.

Sweat contributes to the allergy.During sunny days or season, jewelry is worn longer in the heat.Skin perspires under it.This perspiration comes in contact with the jewelry metal dissolving the nickel from the metal and forms nickel salts.The salt reacts with the skin and produces the allergy. So at times of perspiring from weather, heat or stress such as public speaking or any stress producing factors the allergy will be aggravated.

Keeping the skin in contact areas clean and dry will help reduce the reaction. Some people will be able to tolerate wearing the jewelry with this safeguard only. Some will not as has been mentioned the reaction is individually variable.

When keeping the skin clean and dry, the person must be careful to be certain that no soap residue or water is left on the skin This applies to after the bath and when washing the hands. Traces of soap and water break the protective barrier of the skin allowing direct contact by the nickel.

Earrings and finger rings are most likely to hold water after taking a bath or washing face and hands. Taking special care each time to keep the skin clean and dry can help avoid or minimize this problem.Some people use a light coating of powder or completely blended lubricating barrier cream as well.Generally complete removal of soap and water will be sufficient.
Often when the ear is involved a horrible smell can be noted when the earrings are removed ,This may or may not associated with allergic responses.

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The symptoms vary in intensity and occurrence.One, some, or all may signal the presence of this allergy.

I.) Bleeding

2.) Pierced hole swells ,emits a yellowish discharge,

3.) Constant burning and itching where the skin is in contact with the jewelry

4.) Skin discoloration takes place.

5) Red patchy rash appears on the skin under the jewelry

6) Welts may appear

7.) Broken skin from scratching or puncture may become infected. Preventing this is important.


The fourth step is investigating and trying metals that are nickel safe or nickel free.

Nickel Safe Metals

Once it is recognized that the Allergy is present, using nickel free or nickel safe metals is the next step to be considered.
Gold filled rather than gold plated may be an alternative. Gold filled jewelry is made when base metal is covered with gold.Gold filled differs from gold plated by the amount of gold applied.The layer of gold filled is from 50 to 100 times thicker than that on gold plated items,For some people this will work.

Fine silver and sterling silver are good choices.Fine silver is 99.9% pure but is seldom used in jewelry.Sterling silver is by definition 92.5%pure.The remaining 7.5% typically is copper.Copper is infused to make it more durable.Since copper is used it is ideal for those sensitive to nickel and works well for the majority of users.The mark 925 on the silver signifies it is sterling silver.
German silver or nickel silver is to be avoided. It is not silver but named for the color.It is a combination tin, lead, zinc.and nickel.
Some other metals useful for the nickel sensitive include:

Copper jewelry is considered pure and not mixed with nickel or nickel alloys.

Platinum jewelry contains 95% platinum. and 5% of a secondary metal typically iridium.

Titanium jewelry is both hypoallergenic ( low in chance of producing allergic responses) and durable.I t is generally recommended for those allergic to nickel.

Surgical grade stainless steel is made to be in the human body.However, the steel alloy contains between eight and twelve percent nickel. Varying comments are heard about using stainless steel. Some experts say the nickel is bound tight and thus does not contact the skin. to cause a reaction. Others say avoid it entirely .Eight earring sellers from who hand make their jewelry say they have never had a customer who could not wear it.One said she had one customer who could not tolerate it.

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Surgical and stainless steel, then , could be considered , perhaps tried tentatively to check for ones own reaction .


The fifth step would be treatment and symptom management.

Wearing the jewelry for short periods of time, keeping the area which touches the skin clean and dry , may work for management of symptoms.

Keeping the jewelry coated with clear nail polish (which must be reapplied frequently ) is sometimes effective.

Dermatologists may provide medications for short term relief

.What ever the treatment, the allergies most likely will reappear.

Selecting jewelry with minimal nickel or no nickel content is most useful.

Alert awareness of content of purchased or gift jewelry is important,

People who are especially sensitive to nickel should have their jewelry lacquered, plated or coated with palladium to protect the bare skin from contact with the nickel.

Use of a cortisone or benadryl cream may produce some relief. of discomfort (An antibiotic cream should be applied instead if the skin is broken.)

Home remedies include, application of a weak tea, a paste made of three tablespoons of baking soda with one of water to relieve symptoms, or vitamin E oil.

A qualified physician should be consulted about the allergy.Some short term medications prescribed may be useful in alleviating symptoms for a time.The symptoms will likely reappear in time.Unfortunately there is no known cure at this time.Recently some mention of products developed to coat the jewelry instead of the long time clear nail polish, and an oral medication is being tested in clinical trial studies.Discuss with your physician and pharmacist for any updated medications available.

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