Luxury Apartments in St. George, Utah

St. George, Utah has many apartments available for college students. Nice luxury apartments are available in St. George, Utah for the college students. Most college student apartments have soda pop machines and also a swimming pool. The college students are usually quite happy with the luxury apartments in the St. George area. Finding these apartments in St. George is quite easy to do.

Go look at the apartments

When you drive around the college area you will notice apartments buildings that have banners advertising that has apartments available for college students. You want to spend a good amount of time driving around to look at all the other apartments that are available for college students. You can find nice luxury apartments available and also some cheaper apartments that aren’t so luxury either. It is about the same price for a luxury apartment than it is for a cheap one non luxury one.

When you look at the apartments make sure to go look inside of the apartments and just don’t make a quick decision. You want to be happy with the apartment that you decide to live in so look at the other options before making a decision. Make sure to notice how noisy or quiet the neighborhood is. Some college apartments building are quiet and others are having parties every night.

Get a list from the College

The college usually has a list available to give to students that are looking for off campus college student apartments. The list will usually display the price range and what is included in the apartments. The list will have a phone number and address available for each apartment usually. Make sure to go look at them though. It costs more a apartment depending upon if you want to share a room with someone or if you want your own bedroom.

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One thing that is nice about the luxury college student apartments is the fast high speed internet. The satellite TV in the apartments. The hot tubs and swimming pools. The vending machines and soda machines are nice. Some of them even have laundry mats available on site, so you don’t have to go hunt for a laundry mat. The dishwashers and other nice features in the apartments.


College apartments are so much cheaper per year than it is for regular apartments. College students get a huge discount on rent during the school year. The apartments during the summer time is even more cheaper since the landlords want to keep making money during those months. You can live in luxury college student apartments for approximately less than $5,000 per college year in St. George, Utah.


You can usually decide how many roommates you want to have in the apartment. You can choose to have your own bedroom or share a room with someone else. You can choose to share an apartment with females or males. Some of them have rules about which gender you can share an apartment with though. If you decide to share a room with someone else it is much half the cost cheaper instead of having your own room. If your roommate drives you crazy then you always move to a different apartment, but it might cost you more money to do so.