Libra and Taurus Love Compatibility

If you’re looking for a lasting relationship – a steady, loving and loyal lover – then look no further. The Taurean is the perfect partner for you. There will be lots of passion, but few surprises. Taurus will take you to that garden-of-Eden-just-made-for-two and you won’t ever want to leave it. He or she will be the most dependable and constant lover you’ve ever had.

Libra/Taurus Sexual Compatibility

The Taurus, with his or her appreciation of art and music will have attracted you from the start. Yes, it will have been an instant attraction. Almost, you could say, it was ‘love at first sight’. You will share many enjoyable times together.

Friendship is good, but I have to say that as lovers, the possessive and sometimes jealous side of your Taurean’s nature might surprise you. Sometimes, his or her more powerful personality might be too strong for you, as a peace-loving Libran to handle. At the same time, maybe because you do prefer peace and harmony, you will be able to gently talk your Taurean out of one of his bad moods!

But, getting back to the positive aspects of your relationship and both Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, the planet of love. This should therefore be sign that you have quite a lot in common. For instance you’re both quite handsome people! You each love the arts and beautiful things, music, creative hobbies and poetry. But on saying this, there are other aspects of a relationship, which are important before you can say you feel truly compatible.

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Libra and Taurus in Friendship and Romance

For instance your Taurean partner is an extremely practical and down-to-earth person. You tend to live with your head high in the sky for most of the time. This could frustrate your partner when they’re asking for a decision. Because making decisions is just not your strongest point. However, if your partner is the male, then this may not be such a problem because you’ll happily let him make all the important decisions that effect you both and you’ll be happy to abide by them too.

You can both be quite dogmatic when you want to be but because you don’t really like friction, it will probably end up with you giving in most of the time. Sometimes you might feel a little peeved about this however.

Libra Taurus Compatibility

Generally, there are areas of compatibility but you might sometimes find your passionate and demanding Taurus lover quite hard to handle!

Most of the time, you know exactly where you stand with your Taurean partner. BUT, Taurus does have a possessive streak. Taureans like to feel that their lovers are ‘theirs’ and ‘theirs alone’. Perhaps you won’t mind this a bit. But, you might find it difficult to explain your platonic relationships with the opposite sex when Taurus can get VERY suspicious.

Generally, there are so many things you will enjoy doing together and romance can be quite wonderful. But you must guard against doing anything that might rouse your Taurean’s jealousy otherwise that Garden-of-Eden I spoke of earlier, could turn into a garden of weeds.

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© CaroleSomerville. Permission to republish this article in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.