The Lovely Libra

The Lovely Libra: Indecisive or Complex?

Libra is a diverse sun sign. Born from September 24 to October 22(or 23), Libras are known as peace-seeking diplomats who tend to have problems making decisions. The reason they are given the bad rap of indecisiveness is because they are able to see both sides to many topics. Their greatest desire in life is to find the perfect balance of everything they encounter. Being the only inanimate object in the zodiac, they represent the core meaning of that object, the Scales.

Libras may also appear to enjoy arguing; however it is more likely their ability to play the devil’s advocate fuels the fires of debate. They do not LIKE to quarrel or bicker. If in a relationship with a Libra, friend or lover, they can test this theory by picking a stand on any given topic and throwing in absolutes including “ALWAYS” or “NEVER” and watch the Libra mind latch on to what is perceived as an unfair statement and spin to make it a more sensible statement. It can also stand to reason that the Libra does not have to agree with the statements they are making. They are simply opening up possibilities.

To Libra, there are many shades of gray as well as a full array of the rainbow colors. The airy Libra does not look at only philosophical issues with their deep, fluid eyes. They look at everyday issues as well. It is all interconnected on some level as the big picture.

No topic is so simple that it cannot be given depth and breathes by Libra. For other sun signs, this seems like a waste of time. They do not appreciate Libras complications when it comes to what colors to paint the bathroom, which fabric would be best for the couch, or which restaurant to eat.

Typically, the other sun signs learn to appreciate the extra thoughtfulness of Libra when they see how beautiful the bathroom turns out after Libra DOES come to the conclusion of color, they enjoy that the couch picked which is not only is comfortable and stain resistant, but it also matches and compliments the living room perfectly. They are proud that their Libra chose a restaurant with the best Mexican food in the city with just perfect atmosphere!

To Libra, life is about beauty, peace, and balance. They want beautiful things; they have an eye for color and style thanks to Venus, their ruling planet! They can make a hovel a cozy sanctuary after a long day. Because of the planet’s influence, Libra has an innate ability to beautify like a pro because it comes natural to them.

Libra does not like conflict. That is not to say they do not enjoy a good debate. They are often mediators, whether they want to be or not. They are more than capable of keeping their head during a crisis. It is afterwards when they fall apart, second guessing their actions and what they could have done better so that should it ever come to pass again, they will have more control to end conflict faster and better.

Libra people tend to be open, easy going, and are wonderful listeners. Sometimes, they may appear indifferent or cold, but they are anything but! They are simply listening on a deeper level, looking for solutions to whatever issue is at hand. They want to make the world a better place, one person at a time.

These lovely folks make wonderful judges, lawyers, and jury consultants. Guess you can blame the strong influence the Scales! They have the ability to act in fair and just manners. They dislike liars and seem to look inside people as they get to know them. They do not like bullies.

Fair play is the rule and Libras pay attention to little details. They notice the small things about a person. How one dresses~ it doesn’t matter if the clothing is not the latest trend necessarily, but if it is clean, well pressed, or if it is ragged, dirty, and unwashed.

Internally, all Libras are little judges. They gather the facts with logic by observation and look at the situation with impartial eyes, only then will they decide what to do with the people life presents to them! They are willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt if the internal gut system tells them that it is worth the risk. Libras can sum up a person without becoming emotionally involved.

Emotions are on transferred to the back burners many times when dealing with Libras. They love facts. They want facts. Feelings can fool you, Libra knows this. They are able to direct their focus on the particulars without allowing emotional control. This makes them good social workers, college professors, and forensics analyzers.

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Libras are good with people. They are social butterflies because they have the ability to become whatever one friend needs when it is needed then transition to fit the needs of another.

People pleasers, they often have many groups of friends. Ironically, their friends tend not to like the others. Similar to compartmentalizing, they create sections in their lives which stand apart from others simply to avoid painful encounters between beloved friends and to ensure peace in their lives.

Creativity and imagination are components of these autumn babies. They make for talented writers, poets, and playwrights because they have an eye for detail. They notice the little things. This adds to their skill of word and flow. They can create deep, honest works which other find touching and intimate because of Libra’s naked emotional manner.

Often times, the Libra is not nearly as touched by works they have created. They are their own worst critics, looking at their work in harsh and damning manner, ripping it apart by the seams.

NEVER ask a Libra to review your works. Will it be fair? Sure! However, they will do one of two things and both not wanted. They will read your work, tell you it’s out of this world, unique, and interesting. But really, they mean that they would burn it, no one should get to read it, and they were completely baffled by your premises! OR they will read and enjoy your piece, then pick it apart down to the last period, dash, and line.

Most of the time, if you get a fully reviewed piece from a Libra and it is only positive glow; they are lying to you, not wanting conflict to occur. These peacekeepers can also carefully tell you that your work is crap in manners that is so creative and crafty; the negative connotation will not be caught because of how it is worded.

Carefully, cautiously, and exact in a manner where the truth lies in the shadows. Don’t feel bad, Libra does this to their work as well. Take it as a compliment!

Romantically, Libra loves partnerships. They love being in love. They love the couple-dom like no other sign in the zodiac! They ARE the marriage/partnership sign! Because of quality, they bend to accommodate. They see a relationship as each partner giving 100%. Fair.

Do not mistake the notion that Libra will be a sweet little wallflower who stays in the shadows. This sign is a Leadership sign! A masculine Cardinal sign and an air element, this communicative and logical soul will be sure to put their foot down in a hurry. They are willing spirits with definite ideas!

Libra can appear to be wishy-washy because they change their minds like other people change handbags or shoes! They never completely make up their mind on many things and are looking for new ideas and concepts to bring improvement and enlightenment.

Once a Libra DOES make up their mind on a topic, they are often stubborn to stick with it. They feel that they have reached a logical conclusion and do not need further help. When they hit this point, arguing with them would be a foolish endeavor, you will not change their minds and they will try to make you see why they’ve reached the conclusion they have on the matter. They might just change your mind on the matter! They are quite persuasive!

A little spacey at times, Libra daydreams and deep-thinks higher quandaries for fun with enjoyment. They find great pleasure in thoughts, ideas, and concepts. It is an outlet to the imagination for them! This can be flustering to other sun signs because of their fluid thinking might seem to be missing a point of reason or meaning, they over think and no conclusion is reached. It is the journey not the destination for Libra!

Libras are generally pleasant, articulate objective charmers who have enough charisma and optimism to engulf any crowd! Because they are fair, people are drawn to them. They try their hardest to find the balance within so that they can be diplomatic and refined. Artistic and clever, they thrive in an environment that allows them to have interaction with others and explore the creative side of their personality.

The negative side of Libra would be that indecisive part of themselves that never seems to be satisfied with whatever conclusion is created. They can be quarrelsome and impatient when the person which they are talking to can not see the point of view given by the Scales.

Many call Libra LAZY LAZY LAZY~ but that is simply not the case (with most). They do activities in bouts. They are energetic and high strung at times, especially when it comes to the completion of a goal Libra had in mind. They might also be seen as “Lazy” if there are willing tasks to be tackled but Libra doesn’t want to be the only one in the trenches! They want company and are happy to wait for it, even when a deadline approaches.

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Libras have a fondness for the nicer things in life and that always has a price tag. They can spend their money (or anyone else’s) in foolish ways, leaving debts piling up. Balancing a check book might be a good idea for extravagant Libra BEFORE the purchase of something which is not necessary instead of for something that IS.

Libra is born with beauty. Most Libras are very attractive. There are some physical characteristics that can peg a Libra a mile away! Libras tend to have “Angel Touch” on their chins, that line or indent found in the middle of the chin. Almost dimples! Libras tend to have fuller lips, heart shaped faces, and their eyes are absolutely breathtaking.

Whether the Libra is plain with an “Angel Touch” or beautiful with a heart shaped face, the eyes on Libra give the face away. Those eyes seem to look right through you!

Libra’s strong Venus influenance gives way to some of the biggest flirts of the zodiac! They have strong sexual appeal. Caught between Virgo, the Virgin, and Scorpio, the Scorpian, Libra’s sexuality is almost bipolar! They can play a eye-batting virgin or a steamy sedructress when the time is right. They pull both energies into a creation that is appealing and enchanting. Venus, their planet, gives them an extra boost in romantic venues.

Libras know how to please and perfer to give than to receive. For them, the show is as important as the production! Candle light and flower petals, sweet champagne and chocholate covered strawberries, hand holding in the sunset at the ocean, Libra can be the gambit. These are not the people apt to allow their sexual appetities to be tawdry or lower classed. They want the scene to match the romance of the moment.

Partnerships are vital to Libra. One of the biggest fears they harbor is the fear of being alone. When they have to do something, they perfer to do it with someone. For example, if the garage needs to be cleaned out, Libra would be more than willing to do it as long as they are not alone. The other person doesn’t even have to work on the task, just keep them company while they do! The burden does not seem as heavy if they have that mental cheerleader!

The negative side of Libra’s innate charm is that they have the skill to use it to manipulate a situation. They are not above doing whatever is necessary to get whatever it is that they want. Because Libra practically pants with inuendo, people pay attention to them and they charm their way into situations with finese.

If Libra is not careful with their trademark charm, they might pay a price far greater than they intend by boxing themselves into bad situations where they made promises they never intended to keep. Libra often does NOT know when they are manipulating, it is so natural to them!

Strangely enough, Libras can also be rather guilable. They fall prey to those who seek to take advantage of their trusting nature. Because Libra is very sensitive, they can be affected easily from negative situations or events. They live their empathy. They do not understand just because they think that life should be even and fair that everyone else does NOT share this point of view.

When Libra is out of balance, their lives are pure chaos! They dislike public displays of anger or arguments, they do not like other people in the middle of their emotional baggage. They try to avoid the conflict at all costs. Sometimes, for them, the cost is high. They do not like commotion or extremes. Middle ground is the fairest, middle ground is the best!

When the Scales are swingly madly, they are unhappy, unpleasant, and overwhelmed. They withdraw and try to recoup their balance, seeking solutions to the troubling issues and looking for what caused the ruckus. They can become snarky, sarcastic, and downright mean. They know what buttons to push to cause hurt feelings thanks to the amazing perceptive skill they have.

Libra has a BAD TEMPER but are slow to reach it. They might not look like they do as they sit graciously in the garden, picking fresh flowers, but they can unleash nine kinds of hell! It takes much for the Libra to snap, but when they do, they are a stage 5 hurricane in motion! Often they shock people with their outbursts because it seems to be so NOT like them.

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An overview of Libra shows us this charming sun sign. They are a wonderful mixture of personality, outgoingness, charm, and wit. Libras are thinkers, philosophers, who are fair and seek to achieve balance in everything they touch. They want cooperation and consideration dipped in compassion and hung with the best, most adorable drapes!

Famous Libras:

Actors and Actresses, Sports Personalites:

Catherine Zeta-Jones (September 25)

Heather Locklear (September 25)

Will Smith (September 25)

Olivia Newton-John (September 26)

Linda Hamilton (September 26)

Gwyneth Paltrow (September 28)

Naomi Watts (September 28)

Janeane Garafalo (September 28)

Mira Sovino (September 28)

Bryant Gumbel (September 29)

Fran Drescher (September 30)

Mark McGwire (October 1)

Richard Harris (October 1)

Walter Mathhau (October 1)

Randy Quaid (October 1)

Neve Campbell (October 3)

Sting (October 3)

Tommy Lee (October 3)

Charleton Heston (October 4)

Rachel Leigh Cook (October 4)

Susan Sarandon (October 4)

Kate Winslet (October 5)

Elisabeth Shue (October 6)

Yo-Yo Ma (October 7)

Chevy Chase (October 8)

Matt Damon (October 8)

Sigourney Weaver (October 8)

John Lennon (October 9)

Brett Favre (October 10)

Hugh Jackman (October 12)

Luciano Pavarotti (October 12)

Ralph Lauren (October 14)

Lillian Gish (October 14)

Roger Moore (October 14)

Sarah Ferguson (October 15)

Tim Robbins (October 16)

Jean-Claude Van Damme (October 18)

John Lithgow (October 19)

Carrie Fisher (October 21)

Jeff Goldblum (October 22)

Famous Libras:

Writers, Poets, Notable Personalities*:

Virgil(October 15, 70 B.C.E.) Roman Philosopher Poet: The Aeneid

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (October 21, 1772) English Romantic Poet: Kubla Khan

Guiseppe Verdi(October 10, 1813) Italian Composer: La Traviata

Friedrich Nietzsche (October 15, 1844) German Philosopher, Author: Beyond Good and Evil

Arthur Rimbaud(October 20, 1854) French Symbolist Poet: Les Illuminations

Oscar Wilde(October 15, 1856) Irish Author and Humorist

Mohandas Gandhi (October 2, 1869) Indian Leader, Philosopher, Pacifist, Hero

Aleister Crowley (October 12, 1875) English Magician, Author: The Equinox

Eleanor Roosevelt(October 11, 1884) American First Lady, Social Reformer

Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) (October 17, 1885) Danish Author: Out of Africa
T. S. Elliot (September 26, 1888) Thomas Stearns Elliot – English Poet
Eugene O’Neill(October 16, 1888) American Playwright: The Iceman Cometh
e. e. cummings (October 14, 1894)Edward Estlin Cummings – American Poet: 95 Poems’
F. Scott Fitzgerald (September 25, 1897)American Author: The Great Gatsby
William Faulkner (September 24, 1896)American Author: The Sound and the Fury

Pope Paul VI (September 26, 1897) Roman Catholic Pontiff

Groucho Marx (October 2, 1898) American Vaudeville-Film Comedian
George Gershwin (September 26, 1898) American Composer: Rhapsody in Blue

Thor Heyerdahl (October 6, 1914) Norwegian Explorer, Author: Kon Tiki
Arthur Miller (October 17, 1915) American Playwright: All My Sons, The Crucible
Arthur Schlesinger Jr. (October 15, 1917) American Historian, Author
Frank Herbert (October 8, 1920) American Science Fiction Author: Dune
Mario Puzo (October 15, 1921) American Novelist: The Godfather

Italo Calvino (October 15, 1923) Cuban-Italian Author: Difficult Loves
Truman Capote (September 30, 1924) American Author: In Cold Blood
Gore Vidal (October 3, 1925) American Playwright, Author
R.D. Laing (October 7, 1927) Psychiatrist, Author
Ursula LeGuin (October 21, 1929) American Science Fiction Author

Desmond Tutu (October 7, 1931) Archbishop of South Africa, Defender of Human Rights
John Le Carré (October 19, 1931) English Espionage Novelist

Pele (October 23, 1940) Brazilian Soccer Legend
Anne Rice (October 4, 1941) American Novelist: Interview with a Vampire, MANY more
Jackie Collins (October 4, 1941) American Romance Novelist
Jesse Jackson (October 8, 1941) American Civil Rights Leader
Michael Crichton (October 23, 1942) American Novelist: JurassicPark

Lech Walesa (September 29, 1943) Leader of workers’ rights movement, First President of Post-Communist Poland

William Conrad (September 27, 1920) Writer

Gene Autry (September 29, 1907) Early Country/Western Singer, TV star

James Earl Carter (October 1, 1924) US President

Margaret Thacher (October 13, 1925) Prime Minister of Britain

Dwight Eisenhower (October 14, 1890) US President

C. Everett Koop (October 14, 1916) US Physician General

Lee A. Iacocca (October 15, 1924) Corporate Figurehead of Chrysler, businessman extraordinaire

Evel Knievel (October 17, 1938) Dare Devil, motorcyclist

Martina Nvratilova (October 18, 1956) Sports Figure, Tennis Star

John Dewey (October 20, 1859) Educator
Art Buchwald (October 20, 1926) Columnist

Alfred Nobel (October 21, 1833) Chemist

Timothy Leary (October 22, 1922) Professor, Activist

Tommy Lasorda (October 22, 1937) Sports Figure, Personality

Johnny Carson (October 23, 1925) TV Host, Personality

