Funny Horoscopes for 2011 and Opinions

Aries. You must be first. You must be best. You may find yourself too daring and wondering why you said you could ride a motorcycle when you can’t. But you pull it off magnificently. You were a Hell’s Angel member in a past life. Nothing can throw you except your bossiness. You are too smart for everyone around you. A humbling experience is always coming your way. You dare it to. You like fire, the color red, pets and challenges. You also scare everyone around you to death. Watch that. Your good looks usually allow you to get away with murder. You like sports, music and movies. You never give up. You can be very critical. You are going places. You are on your way out the door as you read this.


Taurus. You are the sweetest bull on the block. You usually love everyone and they love you back. Until they try to change your mind about something. Then, horns may lock. You are stubborn and brave. You embrace hard work. You are loyal. This loyalty will be tested and you will pass with flying colors. You need to watch being manipulated by those who know you never back down. Charge them! You love blue, yellow, pink, maroon and are a lot of fun at parties. Especially when they play your song Bully, bully! If kept happy, you make an excellent spouse and parent.


Gemini. This sign is one of the most confusing ones in the zodiac. You have a sweet side and a crazy side. None of us know when either of them will show up. Sometimes, they come out together. You are very generous, to a fault. You may find yourself living in a cardboard box if not careful. You will always have friends there, though. You are prone to pout and need to surround yourself with adoring people. You have lots of energy and wear out everyone around you. It can be annoying to some. Watch that. You are passionate, bold and creative. You love music, arts, dancing, laughing and movies. You are also Jekyll and Hyde at a drop of a hat. You never bore. You love the colors yellow, purple, pink and black. You will battle with your talent to be brilliant and stupid, all at the same time. You leave others with their mouth wide open. You are also very attractive and may become vain if not careful.


Cancer. You are something else. You are loving, adventurous, smart and psycho. You can be brave, bold and exhibit heroism in a blink. You can also be crabby, whiny and mean. Ow. You like things the way you want them and to hell with anyone who does not like it. You love water and travel. You most likely have seen and done it all, so impressing you is next to impossible. Watch that. You are free spirited, generous and energetic. You like seafood, music, romance, wine and figuring out problems. Everyone else’s. You have many talents and don’t know how to do them all at once. You can be prone to gossip and look forward to bad encounters with those you talk about. You could care less. We like that about you. Your colors are blue, red, pink, orange and green. You never run out of things to say if they are about you. You are fascinating. Your future always brings surprises and you love that. You usually cause most of them.

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Leo. This is my favorite sign of the zodiac. You are smart, witty, creative and kind. You are also fiercely loyal. You like to give, protect and love. Never make a leo mad. They will either cry or kill you. Either way is bad, because they never forget. Fortunately, you rarely get mad and we are all very glad. You are the king of your domain and like music, travel, wine, caviar and the fine things in life. You deserve it because you work hard. You have many friends and are well loved. This can be a problem, as you need your alone time. Try not to roar too loudly. You can make people wilt with a look. You are a leader and most would be wise to follow you. You enjoy being the first to learn about something. You are superior and that is just a fact. We all have to live with that. It’s all good. You like red, tan, brown, black, blue, yellow, pink, purple, heck, you like most colors on the planet. You rock! You love pets. Beware of those who would take advantage of your giving nature. You will know them when you meet them. They are the ones who never say thanks and gripe about everything. Blow their hair back with your magnificent roar. Good fortune awaits you.


Virgo. This sign is very interesting. They can be weird, paranoid, jubilant, critical, witty, funny and scary. They are also one of the purest loving hearts in the zodiac. I know because I am one. Deep inside a virgo is a loving, passionate and caring creature. You may never see that, but it is there. Most virgos show their love often. And they can be taken advantage of. Watch that. They make excellent spouses and parents. A virgo loves music, dancing, wine, movies and laughing. They are hard workers. If you are a virgo, you work hard and always follow your heart. You love animals. Watch that. You love green, blue, silver, black, red, purple, pink, yellow, gold, almost all colors. You are creative, love to write, read and drive. You sing loudly in the shower or car, even if you can’t carry a tune. Many singers are born under this sign. Your future brings some pain, some sadness, but mostly joy. Virgos literally almost kill themselves to find a perfect mate. They are quite picky, so they may never find one. If they do find the right loving mate, they are loyal and giving. If not, watch out! Many virgos do not like change and that can be hard. They also hate fighting and would rather enjoy a good book, after throwing it at you, for disturbing them. Be gentle on a virgo, they are a rare breed. They have their own fashion sense and can be considered odd by some. They know it. Virgos get stressed sometimes. You worry too much and a peaceful time is coming your way.

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Libra. What a sign. You are powerful, smart, social, good looking and a hard worker. You can be relentless. Watch that. You have your own opinion and that is the only one worth anything. You are generous and caring. You give to a fault and always expect the best from everyone. Of course, you are going to be disappointed. You are prone to gossip and like to be up on all things social. You are a snappy dresser and always look good. You know it, too. You are usually good with numbers and technical things. You make a good employee. You always know where you are going and you get there. That is the point, right? You love shopping, cooking, entertaining, travel, music and are very creative. You are also handy with your hands and a good friend. You make a loving spouse and good parent. You do have your faults, one of them being able criticize mercilessly. Watch that! You can bite with your wit and hurt with your humor, if not careful. You love red, blue, yellow, green, tan, white, black and green. You are proud of your home and all in it. You enjoy sports and the outdoors. You are loyal. And expect a lot. You usually get it.


Scorpio. You are an unusual person who always gets attention. You demand it, if you need it. Usually, it just comes to you. You are smart, critical, good looking, crazy and fun. Your anger can make mountains melt into a puddle. You know what you want and get it. You have a unique sense of humor and style. You make an excellent spouse and parent. You are loyal though sometimes critical of those you love. Do not make a scorpio mad. You will regret it. For a long time. Their sting is as bad as their bite. You love music, dancing, romance, wine, food, travel, outdoors, movies and entertaining. You have a decorating flair. Your colors are red, maroon, black, white, tan, brown, sliver, gold and blue. Scorpios are mysterious and you will always be wondering about them. You will never understand them, so don’t even try. Just try to keep them happy. Some love water and some love land. You will crave peace and find it. Be careful you don’t destroy it with your rage. Good things are coming, but in time.


Sagittarius. You are a cool sign that can be wacky at times. You are smart, fun and have a temper. You like people and usually piss them off. Watch that! You like to flirt and have charm. You know how to use it. Be careful. You have faults, too. Be aware. You have hobbies, like collecting and music. You like sports, outdoors, food, wine and movies. You love social gatherings and usually run them. You like to be in charge. We all know it. Your colors are blue, gray, black, red and green. You have many lessons coming your way and will probably disregard all of them. You are special.

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Capricorn. You are smart, creative, classy, critical and a perfectionist. You are a leader and very wise. You do no wrong and you know it. You are also kind, loving and adventurous. You have a free spirit that sweeps all with you. Great salesmen, engineers and such are born under this sign. You are usually best at all you do. We love you for it. You make a great spouse and parent. You can be quite demanding and you need to realize that all are not as talented as you. We try. You like music, movies, reading, arts, outdoors and socializing. Your colors are green, blue, tan, aqua, pink and black. You are good looking and have style. A shopping trip is in your future. Several, in fact.


Aquarius. You are moody, dreamy, funny and talented. You know what you like and what you don’t. The problem is, you don’t often say it until too late. Watch that. You are a hard worker. You have a free spirit that is giving and kind. You can be cruel when you have had enough. Often, this is because you did not say that you did not like something in the first place. You hate to hurt feelings and it ends up making it worse by not being truthful. You get stressed and hold it in sometimes. You make a great friend and excellent spouse. You love music, food, wine, movies and travel. You are interesting and all try to figure you out. It is worth it. Your future brings some travel, friends and song.


Pisces. You are a sweetie. You are also dreamy, fun, good looking, carefree and drive folks crazy. You never fight and only want harmony. You love to laugh. You are creative and talented. You do go your own way and that is what you are about. You love music, romantic evenings, wine and having fun. You do require your alone time. People love you so much, you may have to fight for it. Great musicians are born under this sign. You have patience and are generous. You do need to be more vocal about what you want. This will bring you more happiness. Your colors are green, blue, aqua, silver, black, yellow, pink, purple and tan. You love adventure and will be going somewhere anytime now.