Lexapro Side Effects: What to Expect

Lexapro is becoming one of the most popular anti-depression drugs on the market. Mental health physicians around the United States are choosing to prescribe this drug more than any other – and some are calling it the “Prozac for 2008.” However, Lexapro does bring on a variety of side effects. I should know; I take it. Here is my story on the Lexapro side effects that I experienced.

When I first started Lexapro, I remember the first side effect that I experienced was a rapid heartbeat. It felt as if I had just ran a mile. The feeling would increase as a sat or laid down, and most of the times I would have to stand up just to get rid of the feeling that my heart was beating out of my chest. I must admit that this side effect often scared me because I thought that I was having a heart attack.

Shortly after that subsided (or maybe I just became use to it), another Lexapro side effect showed up.

I became very jittery. I was unable to hold anything in my hand without it shaking. It was mostly in my upper body. I would often find myself just trembling without reason. After a phone call to my doctor, I found out that this is one of the Lexapro side effects. Things eventually calmed down and I later realized that the cause behind this feeling was that the nerves in my body was adjusting to the chemical changes that Lexapro was making.

And I must not forget the headaches that came. We all have had headaches before but this was terrible. My head hurt everywhere and no pain medicine would ease the feeling. I often resorted to laying down in bed with a pillow over my head because I was in so much pain. I tried switching the times I took Lexapro to see if I could get any relief. I found out that if you take your Lexapro first thing in the morning, your headaches are not as bad.

See also  Benefits and Side Effects of Lexapro

Another Lexapro side effect that I came across in my journey to get out of the grasps of depression was insomnia. It wouldn’t matter if I woke up at 5am, I could not get to sleep until almost 4am the next day. I remember sitting up at night watching television just praying for relief. I was physically tired but my mind wouldn’t let me sleep.

Needless to say, the Lexapro side effects that I experienced was horrible. But guess what? They didn’t last. The side effects I mentioned above only lasted about one week and then they was gone. If you can get past the problems during the first week or two, you will be fine. Remember: The benefits are worth it.