Lack of Vitamin D was Ruining My Life

After going to the doctor for a routine exam, I was shocked when the doctor called me few days later with the results of a blood test. “Your vitamin D levels are dangerously low” she said. “I’m putting you on a prescription for a very high dose of Vitamin D. Your only other choice would be to be hospitalized”. I dutifully drove to the pharmacy and picked up my prescription. Two little blue liquid filled pills that would keep me out of the hospital. I was to take one today and one exactly a week from today. I’d never heard of low Vitamin D and was skeptical. I gave the pills a try and within two weeks I was feeling much better, I hadn’t even realized how sick I was until I felt better.

Bright Light

Suddenly, it all made sense, for weeks I’d been driving my family nuts by turning on every light in the house and leaving them blazing brightly throughout the day and sometimes late into the night. I felt nervous and scared if I didn’t have the lights blazing. The darker the day, the more lights I was turning on. My family thought it rather odd and would turn the lights off if I left the room. It didn’t stop me, I kept turning them back on when I walked back into the room. My body was craving the light. I was exhausted, irritable and tired easily. Things continued to get worse when I couldn’t go to bed without the bright lights blazing. I was up at all hours pacing the floor and If the lights were off I would often cry until I turned them back on.

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When I was able to work I had to take a lamp with me to put on my desk. I also added a 100 watt light bulb to the lamp. I knew something wasn’t right and was terrified I was losing my mind. It was mid winter and still dark when I left for work and I would literally shake all the way to the car and then to the office. I was tempted to drive with the dome lights on but knew I’d get pulled over and afraid of what the officer would do with a neurotic woman freaking out about the fact that it was dark outside. It was hard enough to get into a car during the daylight (I felt closed in and nervous) and I was forcing myself to get into the car in the dark. I was rapidly losing control on my life and the only solution I could seem to find was bright lights.

I was hesitant to talk to anyone about my problem, I was afraid they would think I was going crazy. I didn’t know why I felt so obsessed with bright light but I was slowly increasing my body’s Vitamin D levels by absorbing as much light as I could. Of course, the light bulb wasn’t helping my Vitamin D level, but the sunshine was. The sunshine in the afternoon was my only rescue at the time.

Vitamin Therapy

A few weeks after I started taking the Vitamin D supplements I returned to my doctor for some follow-up blood work. She called me again two days later and told me that my levels were slowly improving but that I would need to stay on the prescription Vitamin D supplements for at least 6 months.

See also  Vitamin D Deficiency Diseases and Symptoms


Gradually my symptoms began to improve. My compulsion to turn on all the lights was finally fading. I was able to sit in a room without every light blazing once again. When the sun came out I would go outside and soak in some of it’s golden deliciousness and get some extra Vitamin D coursing through my veins. I feel so happy and excited when I see the sun peak out from the clouds that I almost want to do a happy dance.

Maintenance Therapy

Today, several years later, I am off of the prescription Vitamin D and just take an over the counter Vitamin D supplement daily. If I start needing all of the lights on again or feeling ridiculously nervous, I know I am getting too low on my Vitamin D again and increase my dose for a day or so and spend more time outside in the sun until the obsession subsides.

While I realize not all Compulsive Disorders are this easily treated, I am grateful that mine is. My electric bill has improved and I feel much healthier and energetic. I no longer feel anxiety at getting into the car during the day or night. My family and friends tell me that I seem so much happier. I know it’s the vitamin D levels in my body and realize now that I had suffered needlessly from this for over a year. lack of Vitamin D was ruining my life and making my entire family miserable.