How to Tell If Your Dog is Sick

There lots of things you can do to keep your dog healthy such as bringing them to the vet for checkups, making sure they have their shots, and feeding them a healthy diet. Unfortunately though just like any other animal your dog can become sick. If you’re dog gets sick it’s best to take it to the vet. Here are some signs to look for to determine if your dog has become sick.

The first indication that your dog is sick is if it has diarrhea or is vomiting. Keep in mind though that this could also be a reaction to the food your dog is eating. It could be an allergic reaction or the dog could have swallowed something it shouldn’t have. Most of the time diarrhea or vomiting isn’t serious but sometimes it can be an indication of greater problems down the road. If you notice that your dog is vomiting longer than a day, or has diarrhea for a few days, then you should get the dog checked by a vet.

Another sign that your dog has become sick is if its urine is cloudy or contains blood. This can be an indication that your dog has an infection as normal urine should be a clear yellow color. If the dog is frequently or infrequently urinating than this can also be a sign of a kidney disorder. Make sure your dog always has enough water to drink especially during hot weather, but make sure to keep tabs on how much it drinks. Dogs that drink abnormally frequently could have diabetes, or kidney disease.

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You can also tell if a dog is sick by checking the dog’s nose. If the nose is warm and dry the dog may be dehydrated but this can also be a sign of illness. The nose doesn’t have to be runny, but it should always be at least a little moist. If you notice that your dog has a red inflamed gum this could mean that your dog has gum disease.

As with humans, dogs that are sick will tend to be tired and lethargic. It’s important to keep in mind though that as your dog gets older it will become less active and sleep more. It’s also important to keep track of your dog’s eating habits. If your dog has a drastic increase or decrease in weight this can be a sign of sickness. If your dog has a dramatic increase or decrease in appetite for longer than a day this could also be a sign that the dog is sick.

Although in hotter climates dogs will pant often, if your dog is panting for prolonged periods of time this can also be a sign of sickness. Prolonged panting, or difficulty breathing, can be an indication that your dog has a respiratory problem, a heart disorder, cancer, or heat stroke. Coughing for long periods of time can be caused by irritation, but can also be the result of a serious illness such as cancer. In any case if you notice symptoms persisting for more than a couple days you should take your dog to see the vet.
