Jump Higher: The Step by Step Free Method

If you are an athlete, an active individual, or just want to show off, keep reading. Jumping higher is not that difficult, but you must be willing to do a little work. Let me teach you step by step how to add inches to your jump, and if you’re already of a certain height and ability, maybe even finally dunk that basketball.

Jumping involves exerting a certain amount of force with your leg muscles against the force of gravity. It would stand to reason that jumping higher involves the strengthening of the leg muscles. This may seem obvious, but bear with me, and I’ll teach you exactly what you need to do each day to literally be able to fly.

The most effective exercise you can perform to build leg muscles and develop the overall core is the squat. Now before you roll your eyes and say, “Great, I hate doing squats!” let me fill you in on a not so well known variation of the exercise.

Hindu Squats. The name is derived from traditional wrestlers in India who have used the technique for centuries to develop their endurance. These warriors were famous throughout the ancient world for their almost super-human strength and ability.

The Hindu Squat technique is virtually unheard of in the West, with the exception of some MMA champions like Matt Furey, who are at the peak of human fitness, largely due to performing this exercise. The amazing thing is that these squats are easy, not as boring as traditional squats, and will also do wanders for your endurance.

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So, here’s the technique. Stand shoulder width apart. Raise your arms in-front of you to be parallel with the ground with your palms towards the ground. As you breathe in through your nose, raise your hands above your head. Make sure to keep your arms straight, and look directly ahead. Now, as you exhale through your mouth, bend at your knees as if you were performing a traditional squat, come all the way down till you are sitting on your toes. As you do this, allow your arms to fall in a circular fashion down both sides, keeping them straight, and the palms still facing the floor. When you have fully bent the knees, allow the palms to touch the floor.

As soon as they do, start breathing in through the nose, and straighten your legs. With the force of your movement behind you, you will go through the start position, and in one fluid motion repeat the exercise, making sure to breathe out through the mouth as you are descending, and in through the nose as you are ascending.

Those are Hindu squats. Do a couple of repetitions first, just to make yourself comfortable with the overall movement. Make sure to look directly ahead of yourself, and to breathe smoothly and evenly. The movement should just naturally flow. See, these aren’t so bad.

And now for the routine:

· Week 1: 30 repetitions followed by 2 minutes rest, times 3. In one session. Follow this with either a pint of milk, or a protein shake (this is super important, do not forget this). Do this every other day to allow your leg muscles to get acquainted with the exercise.

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· Week 2: 40 repetitions followed by 2 minutes rest, times 3. In one session. Follow this with either a pint of milk, or a protein shake. Do this every other day for your leg muscles to start developing.

· Week 3: 50 repetitions followed by 2 minutes rest, times 3. In one session. Follow this with either a pint of milk, or a protein shake. Do this every other day, and you will see physical proof of your legs getting stronger and firmer.

· Week 4: 60 repetitions followed by 2 minutes rest, times 3. In one session. Follow this with either a pint of milk, or a protein shake. Do this every other day, and I guarantee that by the end of the week you will have added a minimum of 2 inches to your jump.

Not only that, but you will be much fitter. Your core strength will have improved, your endurance will sky rocket, and you probably will have shed a few pounds of fat.

Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts know that the squat is probably the single most effective exercise for developing overall body strength. The Hindu squats do so much more; they develop stamina, and explosive power from the legs. You are not adding any external weight, so your knees are perfectly safe. These exercises really are miraculous in what they can accomplish.

So what are you waiting for, get out there and Jump Higher!

Please note, if you are already very physically fit, just start the routine at 60 Hindu squats, and gradually increase as I have outlined above. You too will not only jump much higher, but become even more fit. The potential for physical development using this exercise and my routine, is simply astounding.