Pros and Cons of Being a Nurse

Are you researching careers? Are you considering becoming a nurse? Are you wondering if you have the skills and personality to go into nursing? Are you wondering what are the advantages and disadvantages of a nursing career? Here are a few pros and cons of nursing.

Pro: Nurses have great job security.

For the most part, nursing is a profession that offers great job security. As long as there are people, there will always be nurses. While you could get laid off from a job, you shouldn’t have any problem finding a new one. Most nurses find jobs before they even graduate. Nurses are in demand and our country currently has a nursing shortage crisis.

Con: Some nurses work odd hours.

Nurses are needed 24 hours a day. Some nurses, usually recent graduates, will end up having the work the overnight shift, or late shift. Some nurses work 12 hour shifts. However, nurses that work in doctor’s offices usually just work 8 to 9 hours a day. As you get more experienced, you will probably have a better chance at getting the shift you want, however some beginning nurses who do not want to relocate have no choice but to work late shifts.

Pro: Nursing pays fairly well.

According to, registered nurse salaries vary from $46,816 to $67,338 per year. LVN salaries range from $35,396 to to $49,031 a year. While there are jobs that pay more, a registered nurse does make a comfortable salary. Nurses can also earn overtime pay for working extra hours.

Con: Nursing can be very stressful at times.

Some nursing jobs can be very stressful. For example, ER and OB nurses will essentially have someone’s life in their hands. If they make a medication error, their mistake could have devastating consequences. Nursing is not for people who cannot handle stressful situations well.

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There are some nursing jobs that are less stressful than others. For example, some nurses may work in a pediatrician’s office. While the work is not always easy, it is usually much calmer than hospital nursing.

Pro: There are many different types of nursing jobs to choose from.

There are various types of nursing jobs in the profession. For example, nurses can work in an oncology ward assisting patients with cancer. Or, they can work in surgery preparing patients for surgery. They can also work in clinics, schools, jails and nursing homes. If nurses get bored from one area, they can apply to work in a different area.

Of course, nurses can also use their degree to land a non-nursing job in another field. Read “Non Nursing Jobs for Nurses” for some ideas.

Con: Nurses have to deal with grouchy and sometimes violent patients.

Nurses will interact with patents at very difficult times in their lives. They might encounter people who are extremely agitated. Nurses will experience verbal abuse, and even physical attacks at time. Read this article about attacks on ER nurses for more insight.

Pro: Nurses can find travel jobs and jobs with cruise lines.

If you want a job where you can be adventurous, nursing may give you that chance. You can apply to do travel nursing, meaning you will only stay three months to one year at each location. Also, many cruise lines need nurses to work on their cruise ships. These jobs are great for unmarried nurses who want to travel around the world.

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Con: Nurses are sometimes exposef to dangerous illnesses.

Nurses are at risk for catching harmful diseases. Depending on their location and area, they may be at risk for tuberculosis, mononucleosis and the flu. While the risk is low, it is something that nurses will face on the job.

Pro: Nurses are very well respected in society.

For the most part, the community will treat nurses well. The nursing profession is a well-respected one. People often look up to nurses.

These are just a handle of pros and cons of being a nurse. For more insight on the nursing profession, please read these articles about nursing.

If you are exploring career options in general, take a look at “How to Decide on a College Major: Tips for Choosing a Career Path.” If a high salary is important to you, please read “Jobs that Pay Well Over $50,000 a Year.” You might read “Jobs that Pay a lot More Than You Thought.

Good luck with your career search!
