Interview with VH1 Star, Tiffany “New York” Pollard of I Love New York

I along with the rest of the world met Tiffany Pollard as the loud, over the top, love-crazed New York in the first season of “Flavor of Love.” Since then, she has become a household name and an interesting conversation piece at work. After being dismissed not once, not twice but three times, the 20-something year old diva is hoping the fourth time is a charm as she is giving love yet another try in the second season on her show, “I Love New York.”

Not knowing what I was getting myself into, I had the opportunity to speak with the reality star. Will she go off on me like her former housemates if I ask her the wrong question? I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised at her whole demeanor. Despite the nasty disposition she has on her show, she was very soft-spoken but her voice and conversation still eluded the extreme confidence she is best known for.

Myrick: Hello!
New York: Hi, Crystal! How ya doing?

Myrick: I’m fine and you?
New York: Great!

Myrick: So do I call you Tiffany or New York?
New York: You can me Tiffany (laughs).

Myrick: Ok. Now are Tiffany and New York the same person or is New York your alter ego?
New York: I would definitely have to say that Tiffany and New York are absolutely the same person. You know, I have a really sweet soft side and then I have a really tough side and you know, the two just combine and it makes Tiffany, which is New York. I am the exact same person.

Myrick: I was asking because I heard interviews with your former housemates where they would say that when the cameras were on, you became a completely different person. Is that true?
New York: I would definitely not agree with that. These guys shouldn’t even be saying that because when the cameras were around I didn’t even notice when they were in the room and they weren’t in the room because I was just so immune to them being there altogether. So it definitely didn’t help me adjust my attitude in any kind of way with having the cameras on or off.

Myrick: How do you cope with being a celebrity?
New York: Well, I wanna knock on wood because it’s been, I would say at least 2 ½ years with me being popular and people coming up to me and knowing who I am and wanting pictures and autographs so it was definitely a learning process. In the beginning, it was a little overwhelming. But now I know how to deal with it and it feels really good to get so much love and so much support with just walking down the street or going to the mall or whatever I’m doing. People always have a good word to say about me so it’s cool. I enjoy it.

Myrick: Being a celebrity, I know you have to deal with rumors. I read one on a website just recently that had you as a feature. It said, “Scandal: New York is Addicted to Cocaine.” How do you handle rumors?
New York: Since I entered high school, I’ve always dealt with rumors. So I’ve already known how to deal with that sort of thing. There were a lot of times when people would say things about you that were not true and I just basically turned a deaf ear but to the one on Mediatakeout I definitely want to address that. I let so much slide and so much go on and let people draw to their own conclusions but that I do want to address and say that Mediatakeout should definitely be ashamed of themselves. It’s absolutely not true and I was very flustered when I read that because I have friends and family that care about me. I’m getting all these text messages and calls and stuff. I definitely,…oh my goodness, Mediatakeout, I want nothing to do with them seriously. It’s just terrible that they would put something on like that because the general public is going to believe something like that.

Myrick: It’s no secret that there’s an obvious difference in you since the Flavor of Love. You know I’m talking about your breast implants. Did you feel pressured to get them because you are in the public eye?
New York: (laughs) Absolutely not! I’ve never been one to feel any type of pressure. My life hasn’t really changed that much because I won’t allow it to. I know who I was before I entered the world of television and I’m the same person. I got my breast implants because the time was right. I was of age and I’ve been wanting them since I was 18 but I’m the type to keep procrastinating and making sure it was something I wanted. So I woke up one morning and got them. (laughs) I definitely didn’t feel any pressure.

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Myrick: Okay. So will there be any more after this?
New York: I don’t want to overdo it. I would definitely say I would stop right here. I feel perfect. My face is flawless. My body is tight. I’m good. I look great. I wouldn’t get any more surgery. No way!

Myrick: I’ve noticed this year that you’ve stepped your style game up. Where do you shop?
New York: I shop everywhere. High-end. Low-end. I’m all over the place. My style has definitely upped the ante this season because I had a fabulous stylist so I really didn’t have to worry about going and trying to find designer dresses. She would pull stuff for me so I definitely had some help because when you’re doing a show, you don’t have time to cater to yourself and put your own outfits together so that’s the difference. On Flavor of Love, I didn’t really have a stylist. For I Love New York season two, I had a great stylist. And the first one, I had a stylist too so it really helps me out.

Myrick: What were you doing prior to Flavor of Love?
New York: Prior to flavor of love, I had just moved to Hollywood, CA to pursue my dreams of being an actress but I didn’t really go on any auditions. I went out there partied, having a great time, living the lifestyle and then I got discovered for the show so right before that moment, I was just doing what I wanted to do. Just a never-ending partying lifestyle I was into but I stayed on the show and it took off from there.

Myrick: When Flavor of Love aired, it got crazy ratings but the show gave a negative depiction of African-American women. Since your name was constantly brought up, what is your opinion? Do you think the show gave Black women a negative image?
New York: I don’t see it as a negative. Reason being, because it is a reality show so no one was type-cast into playing a certain role. What we did was move into a mansion together and we were forced to be ourselves. Nothing was scripted, nothing was asked upon us, at least it wasn’t from me. And it was just us living day to day, all fighting for the same guy but I don’t feel it was a negative image. It was just… I know I was being myself. We all were.

Myrick: I remember reading different forums saying that the show gave Black women a negative image.
New York: I don’t think it gave black women a negative image because you can’t say all of any sort of person is all the same way. You can’t say all black women act that way because there were only twenty women on the show. I think people set into what society would say what all black women act like but I felt like everyone was being themselves but your true colors are gonna come out anyway. You’re living in a situation for over 2 1/2 weeks so who you are is going to rise to the surface. I don’t think there was a negative image put out. I really don’t.

Myrick: Why do you believe people love New York?
New York: I think people love New York, because when I’m on television, I’m just myself. I show my love, my hate, my vunerability. I show all that I am as a person and I think people can appreciate that whether they love it, admire it or hate it, it just is. And they can’t get enough of it. I think that’s why people love New York because New York is everything.

Myrick: What is the biggest misconception about you?
New York: The biggest misconception is that I’m just a negative mean person when the cameras come on and then I’m sweet off the cameras behind the scenes. What it is, is if someone is pushing my buttons, I’m gonna be nasty. But if someone is treating me kind, I’m gonna be really nice and sweet because I’m not a bitter individual. I have a lot to be grateful for so when you see me being myself, or when I’m going off the wall, someone did something to get me to that point. So,I don’t just play up to the cameras or that type of thing. I think that is the biggest misconception that I want to clear up. I want to clarify that, too.

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Myrick: What is a typical day for you?
New York: A typical day for me is I like to wake up. I have two daughters. I have my baby, Your Majesty and I have a cat. Her name is Baby Lovingly. I like to play with the girls. I work out in the morning. I’m starting this regime. I’ve been kinda slacking off. (laughs) Basically, I like to do my errands, make a few phone calls and I like to stay close to home right now. You know, there are times when I want to go out and party and make the scene because everything I do now is such a production. It’s like “Okay, what am I gonna wear” because I want to be inconspicuous. I don’t want people to recognize me so I like to stay close to home.

Myrick: Now, you know when you go out in public, everyone is gonna recognize you.
New York: (laughs) I know. You know what, girl, let me tell you what I did last weekend. I didn’t wear any make-up and that is hard for me. I’ve been wearing make-up since junior high. I didn’t wear any make-up. I tied my hair back and I had these big shades on and I wore a hoodie. And this one older guy, he walked up to me and said “girl, what are you trying to do, you can’t hide from the public, we know who you are.” I wind up having to sign autographs anyway.

Myrick: Told you.
New York: Whenever I go out, I’m gonna get it. (laughs)

Myrick: Now you said it is hard for you to go out without make-up and I understand because I am the same way. I feel you. So, what is one beauty accessory you cannot go without?
New York: I love the Oil of Olay Regenerist line. I always felt like you are never too young to start using eye creams, wrinkle creams and that kind of stuff. So I use the whole entire Oil of Olay Regenerist line and it just helps my skin breathe through all that make-up. I have really flawless skin so I think a good skin regime is definitely important whether you wear a lot of make-up or not. I can’t live without that.

Myrick: What are some of your hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time?
New York: Wow! I’m not really, really that physical but I do love Tae Bo. Billy Blanks is a big part of life so I would say that is one of my hobbies. I love the Lifetime Movie network. I really like to watch that when I get the chance to. I don’t know. I like to shop. I’m just really girly. I don’t do anything out of the ordinary.

Myrick: Any talents? Singing? Dancing?
New York: (laughs) I do like to carry a tune every now and then. I like to dance and sing all that kind of stuff and I do have a nice voice and my dancing is tight, too.

Myrick: Who are some of your favorite artists out now?
New York: Oh my goodness! I love Kanye West. I love Mario. I love 50 Cent! Love Rihanna, Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Timberland. Everything that’s hot. I’m just loving it. Swiss Beatz. Hip Hop is just making such a killer comeback, it’s ridiculous.

Myrick: About I Love New York, how much of what happens actually makes it to the show?
New York: There is so much left on the cutting room floor, it makes no type of sense. You know, the editors and producers of the show do such an amazing job. Obviously, it’s only an hour show and we’re living together for 24 hours for like 3 weeks so they can’t put in everything but they put in enough to where you can get a vibe of what was going on in the house all day and at night. So they do a really good job. I don’t know how they do it. I would never want that job for myself because it’s hard to squeeze all that footage into one hour every single Monday night.

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Myrick: I know you can’t reveal who won…
New York: Right. I wish I could but I can’t.

Myrick: I know. I understand. You gotta build up suspense but what made you choose this particular person?
New York: Oh my goodness! This particular person got chosen because this guy was there for all the right reasons. He didn’t let anything stand in his way and we just wind up hitting it off. There was just so much to grow on like I saw this person and said there was so much we could do together. It doesn’t end here and I don’t want to say goodbye to this person. So that’s my winner. That’s why I chose him.

Myrick: Do you see yourself with him for the long haul?
New York: Do I? Absolutely. Without a doubt.

Myrick: Okay. So any children in the future maybe?
New York: I’m so scared that my body won’t bounce back from kids. I want kids but it’s not gonna happen right now. As I said, I have my two daughters: my cat and my dog so that’s the extent of motherhood for me right now.

Myrick: So, you’re taking the Oprah approach?
New York: Yeah! I love Oprah and I’m taking the Oprah approach on that. (laughs)

Myrick: After I Love New York, what would you like to do five years from now?
New York: Oh, boy. Five years from now. I Love New York is definitely something that is real. It’s a reality show and it’s about me conquering love and finding true love. I want to pursue my dreams of acting and as a matter of fact, there are some things on the table for me right now. I see myself doing something on the lines of acting. Something in the industry. I know I’m going to do great things. I just don’t want people think that this show is just for television because it truly isn’t. It just happens to be televised but this is truly a journey of my love life. I can’t even say I Love New York is work that I’m proud of but that’s just my life.

Myrick: If anyone wants to find out more about, where can they look besides at VH1?
New York: I do have a Myspace page that is ran by my really really good friend, Bucky. He checks in on my friends for me and they can contact me there. He tells me a lot of things that the fans want to tell me or ask me. My Myspace page is The fans can go there and check me out.

Myrick: Do you have any words for your fans and the haters?
New York: To my fans, I love you guys. Your support means so much to me. And to all my haters, you know what, I have a respect for my haters. Everybody’s gonna form their opinions and they have a right to vent. They don’t like New York’s weave. They don’t like New York’s make-up. You know New York wants to hear about that, too. I just love it all. It’s just a strong force for love and the hate. I love the strongest feelings that anybody can feel. I accept it all. (giggles)

Check out I Love New York on VH1 Monday nights at 9PM ET.
