How Billy Blank’s Bootcamp Workout Will Get You Into Shape

Let’s get ready with Billy Blank’s Bootcamp, and thank your military men and women out there who make freedom possible!

Seriously, Billy and his series of boot camp fitness videos work wonders. A person dedicated to following Billy’s recommendations, who properly performs his exercises will find himself or herself shaping up faster than you ever thought possible.

Take me, for example. When I decided that I better get in shape, I was a skinny computer geek who sat around all day, playing video games, surfing the net, and squandering my health with cookies, candies and cakes. Now I am able to enjoy the outdoors because I actually have the drive to get up and move!

I decided that lifestyle needed to change one day. I did an internet search of ways to get in shape, and felt a little hopeless. You can only take so much Richard Simmons before you want to go stir crazy. However, my pointer eventually came across a title labeled “Billy Blanks Bootcamp!” The guy on the cover was big, buff, and looked great. On a whim, I decided to buy the video. Man, was I in for the aerobics workout of my life! This isn’t a dainty, “get yourself in shape in an easy way” fitness regimen. This stuff works! I felt tired, sweaty, and exhausted my first few workouts, but felt great nonetheless. After following his videos for a few weeks, I felt great! A few people even began commenting on how I looked better; did I start working out? “Yes,” I would answer, and begin to tell them about Billy and his videos.

However, I must warn you, Billy isn’t for the faint of heart. As I said before, his videos really work. You’ll get sweaty and really feel the burn. It feels great, in my opinion, but you need to be prepared. Here are a few tips for those of you new to Billy.

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-Build a fitness base.
Take at least a brisk half hour walk before starting a video. No, that doesn’t mean you should take a half hour walk before you workout each and every time. This means that you should be able to comfortably walk at a brisk pace for a half hour and feel comfortable with it. Then you can start the Billy workouts. Personally, I think you should be able to jog at least a mile.

-Warm up before each session
Stretch and get those muscles warm. Billy’s workouts are intense enough to pose a possible strain injury. Be nice and loose before starting.

-Watch a video at least once before trying it out
The is for two reason. One, you’ll want to know what exercises you’re going to do. Its easier to perform these exercises once you’ve seen them done at least once. Two, you’ll want to know if you can even perform his exercises. Some exercises involve resistance bands or other equipment. Also, some exercises, such as the high kicks, may not be suitable some.

-Bring a towel
The reason is simple. You’re going to get sweaty.

-Break up the monotony.
Get a few different videos. That way, when one workout gets old, another video is always ready to go.

I wish you the best of luck with Billy. His workouts are great and won’t leave you feeling unaccomplished. Get ready for the intense exercises Billy will lead you through. You’re bound to enjoy.