Inexpensive and Natural Beauty Remedies for Skin

We women are fickle when it comes to beauty. I am sure – like myself – any advertisement that promises to get rid of wrinkles, freckles, scars and dark spots, solve our dry skin problems, solve our oily skin problems, make us more beautiful, or make us more youthful looking, makes your ears prick up too. Next thing we know we are running out to the nearest store, throwing our hard-earned money on the counter and buying it and like so many times before it ultimately becomes part of the products-that-broke-their-promise clutter that litter our bedrooms and bathrooms.

Well, my days of being fickle – and I hope yours – are over! There are many all-natural and inexpensive solutions to caring for our skin and for getting the sought after results that have been used by women around the world for centuries. Instead of false promises hidden behind the gloss of fancy advertising and marketing, I am going to give you some inexpensive, time-tested and all natural remedies that you can make yourself. Some of these things you already have at home ready at hand and others are inexpensive to buy.

To get rid of freckles or age spots, use fresh cucumber juice. It bleaches the skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of cucumber juice with 2 tablespoons of water and apply to the skin.

Lemon juice dries up excess skin oil and also lightens dark spots, freckles, skin and hair.

For skin discolorations, mix equal parts egg whites and lemon juice, put in a custard cup and place in a pan of hot water, beat constantly until it has the consistency of custard, cool the mixture and apply to face. Wear overnight. Wash off in the morning.

See also  Protecting Your Skin from Dark Spots

For skin discoloration, scars and dark spots and to moisturize the skin, cocoa butter has no equal. Pregnant women have applied cocoa butter to their stomachs to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy for centuries. Cocoa butter applied to fresh cuts and bruises helps them to heal without leaving a scar. Pure cocoa butter is of course better than fancy cocoa butter formulas. Simply warm with your palm to melt before applying to the skin.

Aloe Vera gel removes old scars and helps prevent new scars if put on cuts and bruises immediately. For dry skin apply Aloe Vera gel to your skin, it moisturizes, gets rid of wrinkles and also works well for acne.

For oily skin or acne, use witch hazel as a toner. You can make an excellent remedy for oily skin or acne by mixing ¼ cup witch hazel, 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel, 10 drops of tea tree oil. Apply to the face with a cotton ball two to three times a day.

An excellent dry skin remedy is to mix ¼ cup aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil and 1 teaspoon of glycerin and apply to the face.

To exfoliate the skin make a thick paste of sugar or cornmeal. Apply gently in circular motions to the skin.

Emu oil gives skin a healthy glow and feel. A teaspoon of turmeric mixed with half a cup of water and applied to the face also imparts a healthy glow to a sallow complexion.

A gentle upwards massage with oils like jojoba oil, cocoa butter, sesame oil, grape seed oil, and olive oil smoothes the skin, gets rid of wrinkles and makes one look more youthful.

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Almond oil massaged gently upwards on the face gets rid of wrinkles and tightens the skin.

I will be writing more articles in the future about all natural and inexpensive beauty remedies. For now I hope you find the remedies in this article as useful and inexpensive as I have. With these remedies you will see improvement. They are not a promise of “Remarkable Results Overnight.” I can tell you truthfully they worked for me and they will work for you. The only thing you need to do to prove it is to try them. You will see for yourself.