How to Write a Great Poem

Whether you’re a seasoned poet, or just a beginner, you always want to make sure that your writing is the best that it can possibly be. You want to write something that you can be proud of, and that maybe could gain you some notoriety. If you are interested in writing a great poem, keep reading. This is a great way to write a poem.

First, you need to decide what your poem is going to be about. This is often the most difficult part of writing the poem. Do you want it to be something deep and profound, or full of imagery? Do you want it to be deep, or playful? What specific subject do you want? When writing a poem, I’ve found that it is best not to just wing it, but to actually put some thought into before hand. When you don’t exactly know what you’re writing about going into it, you may end up with a disastrous result.

Next, you should decide what type of poem you want to write. Do you want to write something really rhyming and flowy? Or would you rather something more choppy that doesn’t rhyme? Do you prefer freeverse, or something metered? These are all important to consider before you begin to write your poem. You don’t want to end up with something that you don’t like.

Thirdly, begin to actually write the poem. This can be difficult, but write whatever comes to mind. You can always go back and change things later. Heck, if you want to you can always even rewrite the entire poem. Never stress too much over a poem. There are always a million things that you can do to make it better, and the first time may or may not be the right time. Take your time when writing though, put some thought into it. Often, when you just pound out something, it really isn’t the greatest.

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Fourth, go back and read it! This is probably the most important step. Let what you have written simmer for a few days, and then go back and read it. It’s often hard to judge a poem right after you have written it, because you are so attached to it. It is important to wait a while before judging it, because you want to be just a little bit unbiased. If you have to, even begin writing other things to get your mind off of it.

Lastly, go back through and make any changes you feel are appropriate. Try not to edit it to death though, because it may end up sounding forced. If it needs some changes here and there though, so be it. Go ahead, but don’t ruin the poem with your editing. Sometimes, its best fresh from your mind. Just make sure that the poem is something that you are satisfied with.

Hopefully, by following these steps you will be able to write a terrific poem. Just follow these steps and it should be a little bit easier.