Nine Things to Think About 9 Months Later: Sorting Pre-Pregnancy Clothes

There are some things to consider when you are going through your clothes that you were wearing nine months ago. It is very unlikely that you are going to be out of maternity wear right away, but you will be most likely looking forward to getting back into your non-maternity wear. Some of the clothes that you wore before you had your baby may no longer suit you for different reasons, if you plan on sorting your pre-pregnancy wear here are some things to think about.

1. Nine Months Later, Do You Need These Clothes?

People can be very attached to clothes, and rightfully so, they offer an outer expression to reflect on how an individual views themselves on the inside. A favorite shirt, that you absolutely feel good in, can lift your spirits on the worst of bad hair days, but you haven’t been able to wear it in 9 month, do you still feel the same about it? Once you have gone without something you have a better perspective of what it is worth.

2. Nine Months Later, Do You Like These Clothes?

Styles change, you may or may not care about what is in season but people often have a personal preference that is subject to change from time to time when it comes to fashion. You may be able to fit into something just fine but after 9 months of being parted with it, do you feel that you still would want to wear it?

3. Nine Months Later, Will These Clothes Fit You?

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Once you have a baby your body doesn’t look the same right after birth. It can take 6 or more months for the uterus to go back down to its original size. You may be dying to get out of your maternity wear right after you have a baby but it is likely that you will have to keep it on for a couple of months longer. If you know that by the time you can fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes that you are likely going to be buying new clothes anyway. Do you need to keep things that don’t fit you right after your baby’s birth?

4. Nine Months Later, Will These Clothes Reveal Anything That You Don’t Want Revealed Any Longer?

You might be able to squeeze into your pre-pregnancy clothes just fine, but if you had shirts that showed even a hint of midriff you might want to rethink wearing them if your midriff isn’t quite the same. Personally, I no longer care to show my midriff but I wouldn’t be offended if I saw midriff that had stretch marks. Do what you feel comfortable doing, just keep in mind do you really want people to see your belly now?

5. Nine Months Later, Could Someone Else Use These Clothes?

When you are sorting your clothes and there is something that you no longer want to keep for what ever reason ask yourself, are the clothes in good enough condition that someone else might want them. Rather than throwing them away offer them to a friend or family member, sell them or donate them to a second hand store or charity.

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6. Nine Months Later, Do You Want To Work Towards Comfortably Wearing These Clothes?

If you can’t physically wear certain garments but still really love them you should consider hanging on to them if you think that at some point you will fit back into them. You’ll save money because you can still use your maternity wear while you are getting back into shape and once you reach your pre-pregnancy weight you can wear all of your pre-pregnancy clothes. When there are clothes that you don’t want to part with think about whether or not you want to try and reach the goal of fitting back into them.

7. Nine Months Later, Do These Clothes Reflect Who You Are?
Nine months is a lot of time, frankly a lot can happen and people can change. You may like all of your clothes but do you feel as comfortable in them. Now that you are a mom and nearly a whole year older, are some of your articles of clothing still quote unquote you?

8. Nine Months Later, Can You Nurse In These Clothes and Will You Want Them When You Are No Longer Nursing?
Maternity clothes are often designed with nursing in mind, but you may find that some of your clothes you are able to comfortably and conveniently nurse in. You may have to asked yourself, will you be able to nurse in certain clothing you have and if not, do you think that you will still want that article of clothing once you are no longer nursing?

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9. Nine Months Later, Do You Still Wear Maternity Clothes?
There is no set time when you have to reevaluate your wardrobe. You can spend the next year in maternity clothes if that is what works for you. If you feel that you can’t make an educated decision because although your body is not as big as it was in the last days of your pregnancy it is still not completely over the entire process. When you feel that you want to address your wardrobe will be the best time to address.

Sometimes woman can’t wait to stop wearing maternity wear, others find it comfortable and great for nursing and don’t mind sporting it in the first few months of having their baby. Do what works best for you.