Dungeon Defenders Series EV Class Guide

Dungeon Defenders Series EV Introduction

Series EV is a great new addition to the Dungeon Defenders video game. She can use both Huntress and Apprentice weapons and can switch between them just like the new Jester class. Because she can use two weapons you can build her into almost anything, but she works best for defenses because of her awesome wall towers.

I mainly use two builds that seem to work pretty well, but first I’ll explain all of Series EV defenses.

Series EV Defenses-

  • 1. Reflection beam: This wall doesn’t stop monsters from walking through it, but it can stop projectiles such as Wyvern fire and archer arrows. Cost 20 mana and based on its length it costs 1 through 3 DU.
  • 2. Physical beam: Can create a plasma like wall to keep monsters from getting passed. The longer the wall, the more health it has. Cost 30 mana and based on its length it costs 2 through 5 DU.
  • 3. Proton beam: I look at this as a tripwire. If an enemy walks through it the proton beam will cause them damage. This uses charges similar to the Huntress mines. Cost 40 mana and based on its length it costs 2 through 5 DU.
  • 4. Shock beam: Similar to the proton beam, but this one stuns enemies when they walk through it. This uses charges similar to the Huntress mines. Cost 55 mana and based on its length it costs 2 through 6 DU.
  • 5. Tower buff beam: This beam is like a tripwire beam, but instead it is used to buff towers that is touching the beam. If you upgrade the buff beam there is no need to upgrade the towers it is touching, however I did notice that if you do three star both the towers and the beam it appears that the additional damage is cumulative (unless they have changed it in an update). Cost 70 mana and based on its length it cost 4 through 6 DU.

1. Beam health / Charges: Increases overall health for wall towers, as well as charges for the offensive beams.

Beam damage: Increases damage done by beam defenses.

Shock stun time: Stuns enemies for longer time.

Beam reset / Beam damage rate: Determines how fast beam towers will activate and how fast it will cause damage.

Series EV Special abilities

  • 1. Holographic Decoy: Just like the name says, it creates an illusion that the enemies will be attracted to attack on sight, which you can use to either help you to flank the enemy or to allow you to flee to safety. After the decoy falls it will explode to damage all enemies in the area. Cost 100 mana.
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-Tip: This ability is helpful, but in my opinion it isn’t really necessary. I actually stopped using this skill completely and instead focused my points on other skills. Read below for more detail.

  • 2. Proton charge beam: Gets stronger based on the amount of mana that you collect and absorbed into her gun. When fully charged it will do a massive amount of damage. This is probably her greatest skill in the game, I’ll tell why in a bit.

Class Builds

1. DPS Tank Build (AKA- The War machine)

Not only can Series EV be a DPS class but she can also double as a tank at the same time. This is probably her strongest build. I sometimes play this game on four player with my brothers and sisters and Series EV was able to tank Ogres and defend a crystal on her own while playing on Insane mode. When we did the Crystal dimension Boss Rush stage she was actually strong enough to kill all of the bosses in two or three hits with her proton charge beam on the Insane difficulty as well. In fact, now that I think about it we also killed the final boss in just a few hits the exact same way. Series EV is probably the strongest class on the game if played correctly. A great way to get EV that strong to deal out the damage I am talking about is by equipping Tsuda’s Final Creation. The weapon I found had crazy good stats.

That weapon alone will boost Series EV stats to a ridiculous level and she will be able to do a massive amount of damage. In my opinion this weapon is better suited for Series EV than it is the Apprentice class. You can earn Tsuda’s Final Creation from the Glitterhelm Caverns on insane or Nightmare mode while playing as the Apprentice class. After equipping this item my Series EV could kill ogres in one shot and her proton charge beam also greatly increased in power because of the stats on the weapon. Seriously, when this weapon is upgraded Series EV becomes unstoppable. If you can find another weapon with equally good stats go ahead and equip it.

If you become a tank all you need to focus on is battling the ogres and bosses to help carry the burden of the fight. This will allow everyone else to focus on the smaller enemies while also defending the crystal and repairing defenses. All your stats should go into your Proton charge beam, attack and health. Running speed and repair speed is not necessary, so you will more than likely be useless for that. As for her second weapon, just choose something to compliment her other skills and abilities based on your playing style.

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The (Dungeon) Defender Build

Go for pure support; plain and simple. You need to focus on moving fast, repairing fast, and buffing all of the towers to make them stronger. Invest your points to make your towers fight and defend for you. If you need the decoy put a few points into it, but as said above it isn’t a necessity. You need your reflection and physical walls as well as the buff beams to be the strongest towers for this build because you will mostly be focusing on protecting the Eternia crystals. Long range damage is nice, but you won’t be focusing on combat this time. Mainly you will be staying close to the dying towers to help keep your defensive stronghold functional. Because Series EV can use Apprentice weapons try to choose equipment that will turn your Series EV into a mechanic. If you can find a Huntress weapon that can help boost your tower’s abilities, by all means equip it. But keep in mind that you aren’t looking for damage with this build.

To help keep defenses alive you can also set down some tripwires and stun beams to help keep enemies at bay. One tactic is to put down physical beams first in a triangle formation around the crystal (cutting out the fourth wall saves on DU and mana), then put down a reflection beam in front of it to stop archers and wyverns, and in front of that place down a proton beam to damage enemies that try to walk through it. Series EV defensive walls are special because she can choose how long they are, so with a bit of creativity you can build a really great protective fortress. You will find that putting the triangle wall formation around the crystal works pretty well in stages where the crystal is wide open without any other cover or obstacles protecting it. I normally don’t run a buff beam through the wall towers because if one falls I just rebuild a new one, and the second reason is because those darn Sharken monsters like to move the walls around so the buff beam would stop working anyways.

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However, if you can manage to run your buff beam through multiple towers at once it will greatly enhance all of your other towers, making them a lot more effective. Most players will only triple star the buff beam, but I actually prefer to triple star both the buff beams and the towers individually, that way if the buff beam somehow falls you still have a few strong towers as a backup defense. This tactic only works though if you have enough mana to spend on both.

Try to find armor to help boost your tower’s health, attack rate and base damage because those stats effect her beam and walls towers and makes them stronger (as named above).
Overall you will need to stay back, buff towers, repair anything with low life and avoid conflict; that is your job.

Final word

Series EV is probably one of the easiest classes when it comes to its learning curve. I actually made a mix of both builds to create a balanced offensive defensive build and it still worked out pretty well. If you can get some decent equipment in the beginning the rest is a cake walk. I would recommend starting off as a DPS tank build to quickly get strong and if you later want to focus on pure support and defense you can always buy a stat reset. That way you don’t have to worry about struggling through waves of monsters to level up.

Feel free to experiment to come up with a better build to suit your needs, but hopefully this guide gave you an idea on how to find a proper build for the Series EV class.

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