How to Use Concrete Paver Molds to Create Landscaping “Stone”

Concrete paver molds can create the look of stone for a fraction of the cost. Many people like the idea of creating their own custom colored “stones” from concrete paver molds to create walkways or patios in their yard. Although a project using concrete paver molds can be rewarding, keep in mind it is also time consuming. However, if you like the idea of casting your own stone, follow these steps.

Choosing paver molds can be difficult. There are hundreds of patterns, ranging from natural paver molds that imitate stone to more modern designs. What you choose will depend on your personal style, but also consider the style of your house before picking a pattern. The paver molds you choose should compliment your yard and home.

Larger paver molds will help you get the job done quickly, but smaller paver molds often make the job appear more professional. For this reason, it is often best to choose smaller paver molds and take the extra time to lay out the paver molds. You should also consider using multiple paver molds with pieces of similar scale if you prefer a more natural look.

Also be sure that you are buying a quality mold. Use your good judgment to determine whether or not the molds will hold up to multiple pours and keep their shape. Molds can range from $30 to over $200, so budget accordingly.

In order to make the concrete appear to be stone, you must add some type of base color or stain into the mix. Stain can get expensive and the finished color can be hard to determine. Make some test pieces before attempting to mix a batch of colored concrete, carefully noting the proportions in each mix. That way you’ll be sure to get the color you want. Keep in mind that the aggregate will have a large affect on the color, so you may want to use several aggregate samples as well before buying enough for the job.

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It is best when using paver molds to use a paver mold release product so the concrete slides easily out of the mold. Don’t use motor oil, it’s not only bad for the environment but unnecessary when compared to some of the excellent mold release products available. Most come in spray bottles for easy application.

Before starting this project, it is a good idea to calculate how much concrete you will need. Many people are surprised at how much laying a simple concrete paver walkway can cost in concrete. Depending on what part of the country you live in, a concrete paver could cost more than some real stone or brick options. However, some people prefer the look of a walkway constructed with concrete paver molds, so you should consider what is most important to you.

You should also consider what type of concrete to use. Concrete is made up of three things: cement, aggregate, and water. Aggregate is usually sand or small rocks and will make up the bulk of the concrete. Cement is the glue that holds the aggregate together, while water provides the chemical reaction that bounds the ingredients together.

When buying the ingredients for concrete at a home improvement store, make sure to find out if you’re buying cement, or a concrete mix, which contains aggregate. In general, concrete mix is easier for beginners, but much more expensive. Mixing your own concrete allows you control over the aggregate, which will affect the finished product. However, you must purchase appropriate aggregate and cement for the job and mix them in the correct proportions prior to beginning.

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Once the concrete is mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and to your color specifications you are ready to begin. Fill the mold with concrete and then bounce the paver molds to remove any air pockets. It is important release any air bubbles in the concrete. If you have a large job, consider renting a vibrating table to help you do the job. Use a trowel to smooth the backs of the paver molds for easier installation.

Keep in mind that concrete does not “dry”, but instead has a chemical reaction that creates the hardening of the material. For this reason you should clean off your tools immediately after you have stopped working.

After 24 hours has passed, you can carefully remove the concrete from the paver molds. Concrete reaches its full strength 28 days after pouring, but you don’t need to wait that long to install your stones. Another 2-3 days will allow the concrete to gain most of its strength.

Once the stones have cured, you can seal or glaze them, or leave them natural. This will depend on the aesthetic you wish to project and if you want to protect the concrete from stains. After you have finished the stones, install them like you would any other stone.

Concrete paver molds can be a good way to get the look of stone, or a unique look that no one else has, relatively inexpensively. However, this method of creating stone for a path or patio is time consuming. If you don’t find the idea of the project appealing, consider buying and installing real stone instead. It might be more expensive, but it will leave you with more time to enjoy the fruits of your labors.