5 Budget Landscaping Ideas

Budget landscape ideas are hard to come by. When you have a home and not a lot of money to spend on it, it is important to know some budget landscaping ideas that help you save money. I have five budget landscaping ideas for you.

Budget Landscaping Ideas #1

The first budget landscaping idea is to do as much of the work you can yourself. Although you may not like getting dirty and sweaty, this is an important money-saving budget landscaping tip. A landscaping crew can cost over $100 an hour in some areas. Do the simple math and see how you will save money on landscaping by do-it-yourself landscaping.

Budget Landscaping Ideas #2

My second budget landscaping idea is to stay eco-friendly. A great budget landscaping tip is to buy plants that do not use a lot of water. These are also known as drought resistant plants. This budget landscaping tip is important because it will save money on your water bill. In addition, not wasting water is eco-friendly.

Instead of purchasing expensive fertilizer, consider composting. Composting is a great way to save money off from landscaping expenses all while being eco-friendly. This budget landscaping tip will help you reduce household waste and save money on landscaping.

Budget Landscaping Ideas #3

Bargain hunting is a great budget landscaping idea. Go to garage sales to find nice landscaping artwork or landscaping tools at a fraction of the cost. Look on Craigslist to find budget landscaping items. Instead of buying your gravel at a department store such as Walmart, save money on landscaping by purchasing your rock and gravel from a quarry. Shopping around may be time consuming, but it’s a great way to save money on landscaping.

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Budget Landscaping Ideas #4

Using Lava Rocks instead of mulch is a great budget landscaping tip. Lava rock is more expensive, but you only have to buy it once. Mulch is something you have to re-do year after year. Using lava rock instead of mulch will pay for itself over the long run. To save money on landscaping, you have to look at long term costs as well as short term costs.

Budget Landscaping Ideas #5

Using solar lights to accent walkways and highlight your gardens is a great way to save money on landscaping. This budget landscaping idea is a steal considering the amount you would spend hiring an electrician to create electrical lighting on your paths. A pack of 6 stainless steel solar lights can be found at Amazon.com for $48.90 by clicking HERE.

Budget landscaping ideas are hard to come by. However these five budget landscaping tips are great ways for you to save money on landscaping. Whether you choose to compost your own fertilizer or do some bargain hunting, one thing is for certain: using these tips will help you save money on landscaping.