How to Prevent Ugly Varicose Veins! Keep Your Legs Beautiful!

They’re quite common in women and they can ruin the appearance of your legs quicker than almost any other deformity. What are they? Garden variety varicose veins! If you want to look good in your shorts and swimsuits, it’s best to take steps to avoid developing those bulging veins. Here are some steps you can take to prevent varicose veins:

1. Maintain a normal body weight.

When you let your weight get out of control, you apply additional pressure to the veins in your lower extremities, creating an ideal environment for development of varicose veins.

2. Avoid constipation.

Constipation and straining with bowel movements add another source of potential back pressure on the veins in your legs, causing the veins to enlarge. To avoid constipation, eat a high fiber diet and drink plenty of fluids.

3. Avoid prolonged sitting and standing.

Prolonged sitting and standing allows blood to pool in the lower extremities which can contribute to the formation of varicosities. If you work a desk job, get up every 20 minutes and walk around to promote good circulation. This also helps to prevent blood clots. If you must sit for a prolonged period of time, elevate your legs as much as possible.

4. Consider a good pair of compression stockings.

If you have a tendency towards the development of varicose veins, invest in a good pair of compression stockings when you know you’ll be sitting for prolonged periods of time. The gentle pressure of these stockings help to promote venous return to the heart which helps to prevent varicose veins.

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5. Exercise on a daily basis.

Exercise is a powerful weapon in the prevention of varicose veins. Choose an exercise that focuses on the calf muscles such as jogging, a fast walk, or stair climbing. The pumping action of the calf helps to promote venous return which can help to prevent varicose vein formation..

6. Avoid crossing your legs.

Leg crossing tends to put pressure on the veins in your lower extremities which promotes varicose vein formation.

7. Reduce your salt intake.

Increased sodium intake can cause leg and ankle swelling which not only puts additional stress on the lower extremity veins, but also causes small varicose veins to appear more prominent.

8. Avoid wearing tight clothing.

Tight clothing, especially tight shorts or girdles, can apply additional pressure to the veins of the lower extremities resulting in formation of varicosities.

9. Avoid wearing high heeled shoes.

Many people don’t realize it, but your calf muscle doesn’t pump blood as effectively out of the lower extremity when you’re wearing heels. This encourages pooling of blood. To prevent varicose veins, wear a low heeled shoe, preferably a good exercise shoe with strong support.

So, what if in despite of your best efforts at varicose vein prevention, you develop them anyway? I’ll refer you to an article that discusses the new treatment options available to you. Hopefully, by taking measures to prevent varicose veins from developing, you’ll have a lifetime of beautiful legs!