How to Treat Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very special time in a women’s life, many women report having a natural high at times as they bring a new life onto this planet. However pregnancy can also be a time of great discomfort. You will have to deal with heartburn, morning sickness, and a host of other nagging problems that come as payment for the gift of having a child. Adding insult to injury is the common problem of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids will make dealing with your pregnancy very trying, so it is very important for your mental health that you think of ways to treat hemorrhoids during your pregnancy.

What kind of cruel twist of fate will allow for hemorrhoids during pregnancy? The answer is that the weight of the baby pressing down on the bowel area will increase the propensity of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Knowing how to prevent and treat hemorrhoids is far easier than suffering through this uncomfortable nuisance for a number of months.

1. The first issue to address is diet. Diet can be a huge factor in hemorrhoids and a host of other health nuisances. It is important to stick to fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein. The more fiber that you receive in your diet the better because this will allow you to constipation and bowel movements. Even though with pregnancies comes cravings for foods that are not the best nutritionally (donuts, chips, and other junk foods) it is important to stay diligent about your diet and understand that what you eat will affect your comfort and your baby’s life.

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2. Don’t take hot baths. Although hot baths are commonly assigned to people with hemorrhoids it can be dangerous for pregnant women to have to sit in a hot water for long periods of time. If you really think that a hot bath will help with your hemorrhoid treatment then make sure to clear it with a doctor beforehand to make sure that you are not doing any harm to your baby.

3. You will find that most topical hemorrhoid treatment creams can be used to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy. A simple trip to the pharmacy for some over the counter cream will usually do the trick. This is a great way to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy because you are treating it in a non invasive way.

4. In severe cases laser treatment is a viable option. As you can imagine your hemorrhoids would have to be at a very critical stage to warrant this kind of action. Of course, any big operations like this should be cleared by your doctor beforehand.

Having Hemorrhoids during pregnancy will provide a large amount of discomfort for the women experiencing it. However, it is very treatable with an ounce of prevention and a dollop of preparation H.Source: , BabyCenter