Top 6 Natural Remedies for Surviving Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning sickness can affect women during pregnancy for a couple of days, a few weeks, or even a few months.

For some women, the morning sickness hits like clockwork each day at the same time. It could be in the morning, the afternoon or at night. Morning sickness can be mild, and feel like a mild case of motion sickness. Or, morning sickness could strike hard, with a “hormone” headache, full blown nausea, and sometimes actual vomiting.

Most doctors are only too happy to recommend any number of morning sickness prescription medications. If your morning sickness is not debilitating your for hours on end, or keeping you from dailyproductivity, you may want to forgo the prescription drugs and go for a more natural remedy.

Top Natural Remedies for Surviving Morning Sickness During Pregnancy: Eat a Healthy Breakfast

#1 Natural Remedy for Surviving Morning Sickness During Pregnancy: Eat a Healthy Breakfast

As hard as it may be in the morning, when you don’t feel well, it’s important to eat a good breakfast before heading out to work. Your body and your baby need nutrients in the morning. Havingsomething in your stomach is better than an empty stomach when you need to drive into work.

Find some kind of healthy food that you can tolerate in the morning. Either dry cereal, some fruit, yogurt, a multi-grain bagel or waffle, or even dry toast.

#2 Natural Remedies for Surviving Morning Sickness During Pregnancy: Request Chewable Pre-Natal Vitamins

Many women complain that their pre-natal vitamins make them sick. For some the effect of pre-natal may contribute to morning sickness, or get confused with morning sickness. Request chewable pre-natal vitamins from the doctor’s office. They are more expensive thanother types of morning sickness, but they are easier to digest.

See also  The Importance of Prenatal Vitamins when You Are Pregnant

#3 Natural Remedy for Surviving Morning Sickness During Pregnancy: Take Pre-Natal Vitamins at Bed Time

If you feel sick when you take your pre-natals, even the chewable pre-natal vitamins, take them before bed instead of in the morning. Also eat a couple of saltine crackers with the pre-natal vitamins.

#4 Natural Remedy for Surviving Morning Sickness During Pregnancy: Chew Crystallized Ginger

Crystallized ginger can be an effective way to quell some of the effects of morning sickness. It can usually be found in the produce section of a grocery store, or in a health food store. Chew on small pieces of crystallized ginger when you begin to feel sick.

#5 Natural Remedy for Surviving Morning Sickness During Pregnancy: Take Computer Breaks

Sometimes the glare of the computer screen, or the moving images can trigger morning sickness, if you are motion and light sensitive. Staring at a computer screen for hours on end does not always help morning sickness. Take frequent and small breaks by looking away, and spending time doing other paperwork.

#6 Natural Remedy for Surviving Morning Sickness During Pregnancy: Wear Sea Bands

Sea Bands are non-medicinal, non-invasive bands you wear on your wrists. They are made for seasickness, and for motion sickness. The gray or black bands look like narrow “sweat bands” that are sometimes worn by tennis players. They have a round piece of plastic that applies a small amount of pressure to the inside of the wrist. Wear the sea bands all day to combat morning sickness. You may besurprised at how well they work.