How to Become a Goji Juice Distributor

Stars love it. Health food stores can’t stock enough. Think a business as a goji juice distributor will get you that villa in France? Not so fast. There’s a proliferation of companies claiming they manufacture the best version of this rejuvenating elixir on the planet, so take your time researching domestic and foreign brands before choosing the one you decide to distribute.

1. Study up on the allure of goji juice so you understand the psychology of the product you intend to distribute. It may be the celebrity factor. Perhaps it’s the health benefits. Or maybe trending is driving sales. Whatever the reason, you need to believe in the brand you’ll distribute if you’re going to be successful because goji juice suffers from fad-like status and must be finessed if you hope the product you distribute can stand apart from competitors.

2. Know the biology of the goji berry. Goji berries (Lyceum barbarum), also known as gogi berries and wolfberries, originate in some fairly exotic places and they’re rich in nutrients, including 19 amino acids, 21 trace minerals and B vitamins. Manufacturers claim goji berries have more Beta-carotene than carrots and 500 times more vitamin C by weight than oranges. Fruits don’t usually contain vitamin E, but this one does. Among the benefits goji juice drinkers and suppliers tout are claims that goji juice combats high cholesterol, hormone irregularities, germs, weak hearts, impaired mental acuity, insomnia, weight loss and weak immune systems.

3. Choose a reputable goji juice brand. Investigate myriad brands of goji juice on the Internet, at retail health food and supplement shops. Make both rational and emotional choices when picking the best brand for your business goals. Rational reasons include great wholesale pricing, the best drop ship offers, discounts for quantity buys and dating terms that allow you to obtain juice now and pay for it later. The emotional choices? A Madonna endorsement, physician-driven recommendations or a photo of Halle Barry endorsing the brand are powerful motivators for affiliating with a specific brand.

See also  Organic Goji Berries - Health Benefits

4. Set up a business model that suits your budget and long-term ambitions. Draft a business plan, open a checking account, seek funding and create solid sales and marketing strategies for distributing the juice that are in synch with your supplier. Split your focus between direct response (Internet and/or mail) and retail if you are given promotional carte blanche. Use both corporate and Internet resources to help you run your business, but don’t discount the value of retail sales to promote the brand.

5. Protect yourself and your distributorship by staying within the “party line” stipulated on your contract or agreement with the goji juice’s manufacturer. Translation? Be on the up and up. Don’t usurp the sales territory of other goji juice reps selling the same brand, refrain from making health claims your supplier can’t verify and remain in close contact with the manufacturer to avoid conflict and misunderstandings. Everyone wants to make a buck. Maintaining strong communications with your supplier is a great way to make sure everyone’s bottom line stays as healthy as the goji juice you’re distributing.
