How to Stay Smart at the Gambling Table

With these practical tips, you can stay smart and in control at the gambling table. If you gamble smart, you can gamble more often because you won’t have to worry about losing control or spending more money than you can afford. To stay smart at the gambling table, it makes sense to set spending limits on yourself, and follow them no matter what. Unfortunately, this sounds a lot easier than it is! If you want to stay smart at the gambling table, follow these practical techniques that will help you keep a cool head and stay grounded so that you don’t lose control or do anything you’ll regret. With a little bit of planning, you can head out for a night of fun at the casino without worrying that you’ll hate yourself in the morning! Read on to learn four tips and tricks that will help you stay smart so that you can relax at the gambling table and not have to worry about things getting out of hand.

1. Cash In Your Chips Regularly

Casinos are specifically designed to make it hard for you to stop gambling, and one of their most effective techniques is asking you to turn your real money into “play” money. If you want to stay smart, cash in your chips often! If you have a huge pile of chips in front of you, you’ll want to spend them at the gambling table, because that’s what makes logical sense. However, if you have a huge pile of money in front of you, you’re more likely to stay smart and lose less. Casinos count on the fact that you’ll forget your chips actually represent real money that you could spend outside the casinos on things like food, cars, or going to the movies. Get out of this psychological trap and stay smart by cashing in your chips at least once every hour! This simple tip will help you stay smart at the gambling tables because you won’t get caught up in thinking that you aren’t gambling with “real” money, no matter how hard the casino tries to trick you!
Casinos are specifically designed to make it hard for you to stop gambling, and one of their most effective techniques is asking you to turn your real money into “play” money. If you want to stay smart, cash in your chips often! If you have a huge pile of chips in front of you, you’ll want to spend them at the gambling table, because that’s what makes logical sense. However, if you have a huge pile of money in front of you, you’re more likely to stay smart and lose less. Casinos count on the fact that you’ll forget your chips actually represent real money that you could spend outside the casinos on things like food, cars, or going to the movies. Get out of this psychological trap and stay smart by cashing in your chips at least once every hour! This simple tip will help you stay smart at the gambling tables because you won’t get caught up in thinking that you aren’t gambling with “real” money, no matter how hard the casino tries to trick you!

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2. Get Rid Of Some Money

If you do score some cash at the gambling table, congratulations! Now, try a simple technique to stay smart so that you hang on to your winnings instead of losing them in the nest round at the gambling table: get rid of some of the cash! Put the cash from your lucky win somewhere safe and smart before you are tempted to spend it all at the gambling tables trying to repeat the miracle and score another lucky win. Head for the nearest branch of your bank, or the nearest ATM that will take a deposit, and put some or all of your winnings right into your bank account. Or, just head up to your hotel room for a couple of minutes and stash a wad of cash in your suitcase. That way, you won’t feel your winnings burning a hole in your pocket, which makes it easier to stay smart and on budget. Make it hard to get at your money so that if you decide to spend it at the gambling table, you will at least have to go well out of your way and take conscious, decisive action in order to spend your money. This will help you stay smart at the gambling tables because it means that no matter what, you won’t accidentally blow your winnings in the heat of the moment!

3. Head For The Loo

To stay smart at the gambling table, try heading for the bathroom! Taking even just two or three minutes to be by yourself, away from the infectious roar of the casino floor can help you gain perspective and stay smart. It can feel almost impossible to keep your head when you’re actually at the gambling table in the casino, because the entire atmosphere, from the lighting to the free drinks to the architecture to the attitudes of the dealers, is created with the sole purpose of making you want to gamble and keep gambling, no matter what the cost. If you can fight the pull of the casino atmosphere and stop gambling for even just a few minutes by heading for the bathroom, you’re more likely to stay smart and avoid making decisions you’ll regret later. Whether you’re at home gambling on the internet, or in a casino atmosphere, the idea is the same: walk away from the game for a couple of a minutes, and then come back with a fresh perspective.

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4. Pass Your Luck On

It’s hard to stay smart at the gambling table if you lose, but it’s actually even harder to keep control if you win! If you score a big win at a gambling table, you’ll start to feel that you’re on a streak, in the zone, or somehow blessed by fate for a few moments and destined to continue winning for as long as you play. This feeling is part of the fun of gambling, and part of the “high” that comes with a lucky win. The bad news is that if you let this emotional rush dictate your behavior at the gambling table, you’re extremely likely to end up losing all of the money from your lucky win, and then some. When you feel like luck is on your side, you’re likely to risk more money, stay at the gambling table for longer, and make more foolish decisions than if you hadn’t won. This can leave you with completely empty pockets at the end of the night, even if you had one or two big payoffs! If you win, stay smart, and instead of trying to keep your streak going, pass your luck on to someone else at the gambling table. If you are blessed or in the zone or on a streak, it’s a great thing to do to share that good fortune with others. After a lucky win, blow on someone else’s dice, or give them one of your chips “for luck.” Pass your good luck on to another player, and stop gambling for the night, or at least for a while until you regain your composure and will be able to stay smart instead of getting caught up in the intoxication of winning.

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  • Gambling is fun as long as it is really just a game, but it can quickly become a way of life. ; To get an outside check on whether you’re gambling for fun, or because you’re addicted, check out these twenty questions from Gambler Anonymous.