How to Remove Fluid from Your Ears

Fluid buildup in a person’s ears can result from a cold or infection. Swimming, for example, can lead to infection of the ear canal. In some cases the fluid in the ear will go away on its own. If it doesn’t, however, it can become quite painful, can interfere with hearing and can even cause someone to lose their balance and fall over. It is important to try to clear the fluid from the ears.

You will need:

Ear dryer
Water drying ear drops
Ear tubes

Follow these steps:

Step 1:
Use an ear dryer. This device works for any fluid buildup that has been caused by swimming or taking a shower and is designed to dry up the fluid in your ears. Each machine will come with specific instructions, but in basic operation you place the earpiece in your ear and turn the machine on. Leave it in your ear for one minute and then place the earpiece in the other ear.

Step 2:
Purchase some water drying ear drops. This product is also used after swimming or taking a shower to get rid of excess fluid in your ears. Each product will come with specific instructions, and there are drops for both children and adults. Typically you will need to put a few drops in each ear (according to directions) while your head is tilted to one side. Wait 60 seconds before holding your head up again and then do the other ear.

Step 3:
Wait a few days to see if your body gets rid of the fluid on its own. Your body is designed to heal itself. If the ear becomes too irritated and begins to hurt, you will want to see your physician.

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Step 4:
Take antibiotics for any fluid buildup caused by a cold or an infection. The antibiotics will get rid of the fluid and any bacteria that is causing the fluid to remain in your ear. A doctor will have to prescribe you the antibiotics. Take the medicine orally for anywhere from 5-10 days, according to the doctor’s directions.

Step 5:
Get ear tubes placed in your ears. This is a last-resort treatment and used by doctors when you have a history of being unable to drain the fluid from your ears on your own, using any of the previous methods. The surgery to place the ear tubes in is minor, and the tubes can last 6 months to 3 years.

Fill a clean sock with rice. Close it up with a rubber band and place it in the microwave for 45 seconds. Use this hot compress on your ear to draw the fluid out and reduce the pain.

Do not put a Q-tip in your ear to drain the fluid out. It is very dangerous and you could damage your ear drum.
