How to Properly Treat Chicken Pox

Many people experience chicken pox at some point in their life, the majority of people experience it when they are young. Chicken pox is a viral infection, it causes a rash on the skin that looks like blisters. Despite what people may tell you, you can never catch chicken pox under your eye lids or in your mouth. There are a few things you can do to treat chicken pox and help it heal sooner. A good idea is to place a cool wet towel on the rash to relieve the itching. Do not scratch your skin, this will only irritate it and make it bleed. Another good idea is to head down to your local drug store and pick up some calamine lotion to soothe the itching, calamine lotion works well.

Take a bath in oatmeal, it is a great way to treat chicken pox. An oatmeal bath is very soothing to the skin. Commercial oatmeal bath such as Aveeno will not clog your drain and it works well, but regular oatmeal may clog your drain but if you decide to use it put it inside a nylon stocking and hold it under the running bathwater. If you’re dealing with a baby or young child with chicken pox remember to trim their finger nails so they will not scratch the rash. Babies and young children have a much harder time not scratching their skin since they are so young. If your baby continues to scratch his/her skin put baby mitts on their hands.

While you have chicken pox eat healthy meals to boost your immune system so you can recover much faster. Adding protein, fruits and vegetables and plenty of water into your daily diet will definitely help boost your immune system when you are dealing with chicken pox. Chicken pox usually run their course in 2-3 weeks, during this time be careful when your touch people if you or someone else has chicken pox because chicken pox is contagious until the pox are crusted over. If your child has chicken pox, keep them away from frail elderly people, pregnant women and newborn infants because these groups have the highest chance of catching chicken pox. If your child has chicken pox and is under the age of eighteen avoid giving him/her aspirin due to the risk of Reyes syndrome.

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Antihistamines can be used to control severe itching when you are dealing with chicken pox. Antihistamines can be purchased over the counter and through a prescription. Some antihistamines like hydroxzine (Atarax) and Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may cause drowsiness and they are better taken at night to help you sleep while it is taking affect. The new antihistamines such as Claritin and Allegra can also be used to treat itching without the drowsiness side effect. Before you take any drugs you should consult with your physician about what medications are best for you.

There are simple things that you can do to treat chicken pox fast and effectively. If your chicken pox persist or if you have any specific medical conditions or concerns you should contact your doctor.