Can Anxiety Cause Itching?

Stress and anxiety can cause itching. Why do we feel itchy when we become stressed or anxious? We feel itchy skin because the skin becomes irritated by an immune system response. The itching can be localized or generalized. Localized itching is limited to one or two areas of the body, and generalized itching can be felt over the entire body.

Causes of itching due to anxiety

Itching is one of the most common physical manifestations of anxiety. Anxiety can trigger the autonomic nervous system to produce a neurotransmitter called histamine. Histamine is a protein that causes the body to be on high alert. One of the side effects of histamine is itching. One of the most common areas affected by nervous itching is on the scalp.

Itching is similar to pain

Itching is very close to a pain response, but it is interpreted by the body differently than pain. When we are in pain, we may have an impulse to hold our hand over the spot, or to lightly rub the area that hurts. We may also have an impulse to keep away from the spot that hurts, depending on how bad the pain is. Itching, on the other hand, triggers the impulse to scratch.

It you have frequent itching, see your doctor about it. Your doctor can confirm or rule out any underlying causes. Your health care practitioner can determine if your itching is due to stress and anxiety.

Prevent itching by reducing stress

Most people who suffer from itching due to anxiety can make lifestyle changes to help eliminate itchy skin. It is important to keep your stress levels in balance. You can help reduce stress and anxiety in the following ways:

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Talk about what is on your mind – All too often, we tend to keep silent when we should be communicating what is bothering us. Keeping things bottled up inside of us increases the stress hormones which causes a cascade of physiological reactions, which include itchy skin.

Relaxation techniques – Itching due to anxiety and stress can be prevented or controlled with relaxation techniques. One of the most effective ways to control anxiety and itching is with deep breathing exercises. Concentrating on breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth is a good way to feel your stress level balance out to normal.

Other forms of relaxation techniques include yoga, music therapy and aroma therapy. These types of relaxation techniques you can do at home without paying for a professional. Sometimes I will do yoga poses with a yoga program on the fitness channel. Nothing could be more relaxing than soaking in a warm tub of water with aromatic essential oils, while the bathroom is dimly lit with aromatherapy candles

Avoid caffeine and tobacco – Avoiding caffeine and tobacco products is essential when trying to reduce your stress levels, because these substances are stimulants to the central and autonomic nervous systems.

Author’s note:

I suffer quite often with itching due to anxiety. I most commonly experience itching on the scalp, hands, arms and legs. Itching due to stress and anxiety can cause minute openings in the skin caused from scratching. Scratching is a reactive impulse to calm the itch. Scratching does help alleviate itching in the short term, but scratching can also stimulate histamine in neighboring skin cells which triggers more itching. Scratching actually causes more itching and it becomes a cycle of itching and scratching.

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When I have itching due to anxiety, I want to scratch; however, I try to refrain from scratching because my itching intensifies. I’ve tried lotion and crèams to relieve itching, and that doesn’t help either. I have to get my mind off my itching in order to feel relief. Sometimes I take an antihistamine to stop the histamine response. This is usually 100 percent effective to relieve my anxiety and itching.


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