Chicken Pox Home Remedy

Chicken Pox is that dreaded sickness. Once you know of someone who has it, you wait patiently to discover if your family was affected. Once those little red dots start appearing, you know for certain. Chicken Pox has hit your family.

There are Chicken Pox Home Remedies that can be used to not only help the swelling but ensure that the rest of your family doesn’t also get chicken pox. Because of how contagious chicken pox is,

Is Chicken Pox Contagious?

Chicken Pox is not only contagious but it is a viral infection that is easily transmitted from one person to the next. The contagious cycle of chicken pox really doesn’t begin until the pox begins. Many people do not realize they’ve been infected until the signs of chicken pox show themselves.

What is Chicken Pox?

Chicken Pox is a viral infection that usually affects children although adults can catch chicken pox. If adults catch chicken pox, their symptoms are usually more severe than those chicken pox symptoms of children.

What are symptoms of Chicken Pox?

Several symptoms of chicken pox are fever, scratching, itching, loss of appetite, and generally just not feeling good. Finding a good remedy for chicken pox becomes vital as symptoms can be extreme. Ones the pimples began to appear, the itching and misery really begins. These pimples are filled with fluid and will crust over which looks different from a normal pimple. These eruptions can occur all over the body.

How to know if I have Chicken Pox?

Chicken Pox bumps look different from insect bites. If it is chicken pox, more bumps will continue to appear of the next few days. By the fifth day, the first bumps that appeared will start to look crusted over. You will also start to see no more new bumps. By this point, you can have quite a few bumps. As a child, I had over 400 pox pimples all over my body which was miserable from start to finish.

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If you are unsure a particular bump could be chicken pox, try the following technique. Draw a line around the bump and wait a day or two. If the bump crusts over and more bumps appear, you could possibly have chicken pox.

How long will I have Chicken Pox?

Chicken Pox generally runs for about 2 weeks. Of course, if you have kids and they all catch chicken pox at different times, you will probably feel like you are never getting rid of chicken pox but don’t despair. The chicken pox will not last forever!

How long am I contagious with Chicken Pox?

From the day that the fever develops is the beginning of being contagious. Once all of the chicken pox bumps have crusted over, the child is no longer contagious. Remember to check for new bumps to appear during the first seven days of breakout.

Chicken Pox Home Remedies

Catnip Tea with a hint of molasses or honey will bring down the fever. This can be used with multiple sicknesses other than just for chicken pox.

Ginger added to a warm/cool bathwater will help the itching. Take as many baths as needed. If you have younger children, give them their favorite bath toys.

Aveeno has a wonderful line of itch free products. Finding itch relief can be difficult with chicken pox. Aveeno products are wonderful to have on hand.

Honey will relief itching and help to heal the chicken pox within a few days. Just take a little honey and smear on the chicken pox bumps.

Chicken Noodle Soup can give vital nutrients and vitamins when you are feeling sick. A wonderful chicken noodle soup is: fresh carrots, potatoes, cooked chicken, chicken broth, and any other veggies you love. Let this simmer for a couple of hours and you have homemade chicken noodle soup.

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Vitamin E Oil can be used to rub on the chicken pox bumps. The vitamin E has natural healing powers that will help the chicken pox bumps to not scar.

Witch Hazel can also help the itching caused from chicken pox. To make a Witch Hazel mixture, take one cup of witch hazel and one cup of water. Mix the two and apply to the skin. Don’t be afraid to lavish this mixture on the skin. The witch hazel can be applied as often as needed. Once you apply the witch hazel and water, let dry.

Herbal Tea can be not only relaxing to children who’ve been infected with chicken pox but it also can relieve the itching. Try chamomile, basil, or lemon balm with a touch of lemon, honey, and cinnamon. The healing properties will help the itching and help heal the chicken pox.
