How to Properly Shave Your Beard

As we have all noticed a new male sex symbol has gained strength. BEARDS! Not a well trimmed mustache, but a
scuzzy stubble. What’s going on? How has the female gender allowed this to happen? Cuddingly with a porcupine is has to be disheartening. Yet looking at male fashion magazines, I dare say three quarters of the models have Buthe scuzzy look. What’s next, shaving their legs and underarms?

What am I going to do? I’m going to rush down to my local stock broker asking one simple question. Please sir, recommend a company that makes razors, razor blades, shaving cream, shaving brushes,electric razors and after shave lotions because soon this fashion will be out on the street just like last years bra less look has become passe.

The major problem now is we have to retrain these Neanderthals how to properly shave themselves.

Let’s discuss how we would show these gentlemen how to shave.

There are two ways to shave the stubble, wet way or the dry way.

First, the wet way-

We shall look at the wet way as an operation. Certain instruments are required. These would include a 10x magnifier mirror. This mirror must be attached to the shower wall so the water coming from the shower head hits your back. The shaving lather will wash right off otherwise.

Next is the lather itself. Do not use canned lather, rather purchase a shaving brush and a wooden bowel that will hold a bar of shaving soap. Not just any bar soap will do. It must be declared as a shaving soap. Make sure the shaving bowel fits in the palm of your hand with a good hand grip. Do not scimp on the brush. A good gage for a brush will be judged by its stiffness after drying. Take an extra moment and build a nice thick lather then apply with the brush to your face. The brush itself will build up the lather to a suitable level.

See also  How to Shave Properly

The instrument its self must be determined. In your computer search for razor blades. Careful your laptop might explode due to the mi rid of choices. Years ago the safety razor has one blade, now it’s up to five blades!
Anything over three is a waste of money. Avoid a battery powered razor. Stupid! The manufactures want you think the wiggling and shaking is something special. Nonsense! Save your money.

The stroke motion is a factor. Your beard has its own growth pattern. Try stroking in a downward motion from your
ear line then try stroking in an upward motion from your throat. A strong suggestion-do both ways! You’re guaranteed a close shave. Finally, a good splash of blue after shave lotion. Buy the store brand!

Second, the dry way-

Invest in a good electric razor. How much? Plus or minus $200. The dry shave is done before you shower! You must use a pre-electric shave lotion. It contains a lubricant that is an absolute necessity. Buy store brand lotions instead of name brands. Does the same thing at two thirds the price. As with a wet shave stroke both ways. Feel the stuble as you go. As with a wet shave, a dry shave should give you a real close shave in half the time. The only issue is the initial cost. Clean the shaving head after each shave using the brush that came with the razor. For a few dollars more, some electric’s are washable. After letting the razor dry, put a drop or two of light oil on the vibrating heads. A good splash of after shave will feel just as good as if you use the wet method.

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Ladies- Make a copy of this and put it under your man’s pillow. He’ll get the message.