Schick Quattro for Women vs. Schick Quattro for Men

Both razors have 4 synchronized wire wrapped blades, a conditioning strip along the razor head that is filled with Aloe and Vitamin E, Both heads pivot and they both have handles with a comfortable rubber grip. At least this is according to when it comes to describing there two newest “disposable” razors.

But what makes the men’s razor better then the women’s? For decades now women have been stealing their significant others razors because they simply shave better. There has to be a reason for this. If you break down the two razors you will learn two things: The handles are different and the razor heads are shaped differently. Does this lead to a silkier smoother shave when it comes to women stealing their men’s razors?

My own personal experience leads me to think that letting these company know that most women do not need the cute designs of the newer razors. We don’t care if our razor is pink, purple or whatever feminine color they choose or the sleek looking all around just adorable to leave sitting in our shower razor look. We want what men want a close smooth shave. So many questions unanswered but until the two razors match in quality, design and shave for both men and women I think I will stick to getting that men’s razor.

To make a women’s razor shave like a man’s I have gone through all avenues to do some real hands on research. I have used each in the same way. I hold each razor the same way but the women’s can tend to be a little bulky because of the finger grips they design into a razor. Schick ® seems to think all women’s hands are designed and sized the same way. Not in my case as I have very small hands making the women’s razor uncomfortable to hold and with the wider handle then the mans it makes it feel bulky. So I believe this lead me to not getting as close shave as I would had it had a normal handle that would fit comfortably into anyone’s hand. I mean think about it we try our best to hold a razor in a delicate manor but now you want me to shave with something that feels like the size of a banana in my hands.

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I then have tried different types of shave gels and lotions to see maybe if this was the case. While using shave gel with both razors the men’s still ended up being the victor in a smooth shave. In fact I noticed I even got a closer smoother shave without shaving gel with the men’s vs. using shave gel with the women’s. The oddities just get more weird from their. Take for instance when shaving with soap my legs will dry out faster using a women’s razor then a man’s razor. Can that be explained? I haven’t yet come up with a reasoning for that one yet. Other then I have noticed those little moisturizing strips seem to last a lot longer on a man’s razor then on a woman’s razor.

Being that these two razors are made from the same company it can only lead me to think it has to do with the overall design of how the razor is made. The rounded head on the women’s razor vs. the rectangular design of the men’s seems to also be an issue when it comes to close shaving in smaller areas. The men’s razor seems to fit nicer around ankles and knees then the women’s. I guess if you have big ankle bones then the women’s razor wouldn’t be to bad, but if your of average built it can tend to be a little harder to angle it correctly with out nicking yourself or if you are kind of bony you may want to go with the man’s razor.

Lastly which blade lasts the longest? My vote is for the men’s razor I tend to get a lot more uses out of the men’s razor vs. the women’s razor. I find myself throwing away my women’s razors after about 4 or 5 shaves but the men’s razor seems to last me around 10 to 12. So even cost wise your better off buying the men’s.

See also  Best Men's Manual Razors
