How to Prevent Your Hair from Falling Out

Hair fall, or medically termed as “ALOPECIA” is very common among us. It may be genetic or after some internal diseases.

In today’s world, most of us are trying for latest fashion. And if we are having hair fall or more adversely BALDNESS-we are in a soup. On an average, every second human being is facing problem of hair falling. So also, hair and scalp problems such as dandruff, premature graying and alopecia have on the rise.

Our hair plays an important role to build our self-image, prestige and confidence. To prevent hair loss, we need to know a few lines about the pattern and causes of it.


Male pattern thinning: Most common pattern we come across is Male pattern thinning. Classically it starts from receding hair line. Then advances to the top of the head in a U-shaped formation. Here the main culprit is the Male hormone-Testosterone. Ironically, this hormone is the main factor for growing of hair after puberty.

Female pattern thinning: among the women, hair loss due to female hormone is in the top of the frontal region. Hair loss progresses at a slower rate and starts at a later day of life than men.

Some causes of hair loss:


-Hormonal imbalance

-Lack of oiling


-Nutritional deficiency


-Maltreatment of hair

Now come to the most important part of our discussion-How we can prevent hair loss:

Try to quit or cut the amount of smoking, drinking alcohol, caffeine or carbonated sodas as they weaken the process of maximum hair growing.

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Avoid use of hot water, blow dryers or other hair care tool that may jeopardize the hair.

The first step to a healthy bunch of hair is cleanliness. So, you have to wash your hair thoroughly each day with a mild shampoo formulated for everyday use.

Shampoo and conditioner are to be used separately.

Take a weekly scalp massage preferably with some warm herbal hair oil and brush your hair regularly to stimulate the growth.

If you useHENNA, a dry leave do use oil as it dries the hair. Nevertheless, it is a good conditioner also

Avoid Stress. It adversely affects the growing or maturation of hair.

Do not use any harsh chemical products that may damage your hair. Still if you want to use it, apply a little amount to the hair on the back of your ear. If it does not cause much trouble, you may try it.

Massage your scalp with your fingers daily to stimulate the circulation of blood around the hair follicle. Thus, the hair grows stronger.

Dry your hair with towel by wrapping. Do not rub hair vigorously. Do not use dryer.

Use a wide toothed comb to avoid pulling of hair.

Avoid applying any hair cream, styling gel and hair holding sprays directly to your scalp.