Preventing and Getting Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff, true dandruff, is different from hair style product build-up. True dandruff is a medical condition in which the dead skin cells of the scalp flake off into white scales. When these loose scales of dead scalp skin shed from the head, they deposit themselves throughout your hair and onto your clothing. This is an often embarrassing circumstance to have, but one that is treatable and often it is preventable as well.

What is Dandruff

Dandruff, also known as seborrhea dermatitis, is when there is a swelling of the outer most layer of the skin of the scalp and the dandruff is caused by the excessive production of skin cells.

Common Causes of Dandruff

There are many causes of dandruff but let us name a few of the most common causes. Poor health, poor hygiene, an allergic reaction, hypersensitivity to the skin of the scalp, over consumption of sugar, fat, and just basic poor nutritional intake can all be causes. Other causes include genetics, cold weather and dry heat.

Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff

You may discover that going to your local pharmacy and getting the allegedly best anti-dandruff shampoo is the paramount option for getting rid of dandruff. This is not always the case, the expensive dandruff shampoos do not always work, and occasionally you find you have wasted money on a ‘quick fix’ that you could have treated at home or worked on behaviors to prevent dandruff for free.

Discovering the Root Problem to Your Dandruff Dilemma

One of the first things you want to do in order to treat and prevent dandruff is to uncover the root cause of your dandruff problem. Once you unmask what is causing your dandruff, it is much easier and effective to treat it.

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An Unhealthy Eating Style can Cause Dandruff

If you know that you have a poor dietary intake, the first feature you want to do is reverse your eating habits. Try to avoid and seriously limit foods that are high in fat and sugar. These two elements are known to cause dandruff. By eliminating or reducing these two types of food ingredients you may find yourself well on your way to being dandruff free.

Being Unhealthy or in Poor Health Can Cause Dandruff

Another cause of dandruff is poor health. It is important to keep yourself in good health for other reasons than just dandruff. If you are not eating enough, are on some kind of strict diet to lose weight, or are otherwise neglecting your health-it is likely that you will see the effects of this unhealthy lifestyle by the white flakes of dandruff on your shoulders. Be sure to take vitamins on a daily basis and seek medical care if you are ill. Take care of yourself, not just because you have dandruff, but for the obvious reasons. A healthy body generally causes a healthy mind and attitude.

Hygiene Plays a Role in Dandruff

Poor and improper hygiene can also play a role in your dandruff dilemma. By not washing your hair enough, you could cause a dandruff building up because when you wash your hair you are sloughing off all those dead skin cells in the shower. Instead of them landing on your shoulder later, these dead skin cells will go down the shower drain. It is important to also note that washing your hair too much or not rinsing your hair completely can cause dandruff or hair care build up that appears as dandruff. Be sure to wash your hair in warm water. Hot water can cause dry skin which can lead to dandruff. By using warm water to wash and rinse your hair you are reducing your chances of having dandruff.

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The Right Shampoo Can Help With Dandruff Problems

Get a good shampoo. If you currently have severe dandruff, there are home remedies online that you can apply to your hair to get rid of the dandruff build up you have right now. If you would rather skip that route, you can purchase some dandruff clearing shampoo that will help stop the dandruff, but you still have to deal with the flakes that are entangled in your hair right now. A good shampoo for daily use that will help to fight off dandruff can be any kind. It doesn’t have to be expensive. The best kinds are the ones that are clear. These will help to not cause build up in your hair and not clog your hair follicles.

Severe Dandruff May Warrant a Visit to the Physician

If your dandruff is severe and you have tried everything to get rid of it, it may be in your best interest to see your doctor or a dermatologist. Sometimes dandruff can be caused by an underlying medical condition and your doctor can run simple tests to see if that could be the cause. He can also prescribe special formulas to apply directly to your scalp to help fight off dandruff.

Dandruff can be embarrassing, it can be prevented, it can be treated, and dandruff is not contagious. There are many causes for dandruff that have been discussed as well as treatments and preventative measures you can take to eliminate or reduce dandruff. Sometimes a good clarifying shampoo, used over the course of a couple of weeks along with some tweaks to your diet can be all that is necessary to get rid of your dandruff problem.

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