How to Pick the Best Hydroponic System

If you’ve decided to start experimenting with the wonderful benefits of hydroponics then the first thing you have to think about is actually what type of hydroponic system you would like to use. It doesn’t simply come down to, “I would like to start using hydroponics today.” Now I wish it were that easy, but there are so many different systems out there it can make picking a certain one very difficult. Especially once you consider the basic fact that all most every single system has its own pros and cons. One system may be exactly what you’re looking for the next couldn’t be any more different. Which is why I’m here to help you through this little dilemma, once your done reading, you’ll be sure exactly which system is best for you!

The first hydroponic system I would like to talk about today is called a nutrient flow technique system. This type of system utilizes a fine stream of nutrient water that flows over the roots at certain intervals of time. This is usually set to every five to ten minutes. One of the bad things is that the roots are consistently being out of water. This can really hurt the plant as well as slow down growth times. In a hydroponic system, the worst possible thing that can happen is a power outage. This is because the pumps will not function therefore they won’t be able to water the roots. This will dry the plant out and usually cause immense harm to your little guys! So if you live in an area that is plagued by power outages then this system may not be for you. On the other hand, if you usually don’t have power outs then this system can bring you some incredible results! You’ll be blown away if you properly take care of your plants, the yield will be record breaking! This type of system is also great if you’re trying to grow multiple plants. So if you’re thinking of cultivating several tomato plants then this system will be perfect!

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The second system is called a bubble system. Now this may not be the scientific name for this hydroponic system, however it does do a fantastic job of describing the technique. This system uses air pump to blow air through an air stone. This results in millions of bubbles being blown inside the system. When this happens, the bubbles will eventually pop. When the bubbles pop, water will be put into the air! This system uses ultra fine nutrient mist to water those healthy little roots. When the plant gets bigger, the roots will dip into the water reservoir. These type of systems are usually used in cloning machines as well as extremely simple hydroponic systems. But the great thing is that they are simple. So don’t worry about things all ways breaking on you! This system is great for cloning or growing smaller plants. Or if you want you could grow a single large plant. Another benefit is that the plants don’t get harmed in power outs, so don’t worry the next time the house gets a little dark! The bad thing like I said before is that you can’t grow a lot of plants in this type of system.

The next hydroponic system I’ll be talking about has a really unique name. It’s called a Ebb and Flow technique. This system uses a table that is flooded and then drained at certain times throughout the day. This allows the roots to get extreme amounts of both oxygen and water. Now these are the two main factors in hydroponics, so this table is a great all around system. You can use several plants in one table, so multiple plants aren’t a problem. And out of all the systems this is one of the more reliable as well as affordable. Especially for bigger scale hydroponic gardening, so don’t worry about running out of room! It’s also great for bigger plants as well, so if you’re looking to start a few trees or big shrubs, then definitely check this one out! Although it is a cheap solution for lots plants these systems usually cost a hefty penny. Which is one of its main drawbacks, but it is known for being an all around great system. So I highly suggest that you try it out.