Five Types of Hydroponic Growing Systems

There are many different types of hydroponic growing systems. Some of the most common include wick, reservoir, drip, and aeroponic. Each type of system has its own advantages and disadvantages. This article will discuss some of the most common types of hydroponic growing systems.


One of the first types of hydroponic growing systems is the wick variety. Wick systems are the simplest type. The type of system uses a wick to draw nutrient solution into the growing medium. These hydroponic growing systems can use different growing mediums such as Vermiculite, coconut fiber, and Perlite. The main disadvantage of the wick system is that large plants may use more solution that the wick can supply.

Ebb and Flow

Ebb and flow systems are commonly referred to as flow and drain systems. These hydroponic growing systems flood the growing tray with nutrient solution then drain it back into a reservoir. This is usually accomplished by a timer that is connected to a pump. The main disadvantage of these hydroponic growing systems are that they are susceptible to timer and pump complications. If the roots aren’t given nutrient solution for a while, they will quickly dry out.


Drip systems are the most common type used. These hydroponic growing systems use a pump controlled by a timer to release solution. Once released, the solution goes through a line that drips it onto the base of each plant. Some drip systems recycle excess solution, while others don’t. The hydroponic growing systems that recycle the solution can experience shifts in the pH and nutrient levels, so they require more maintenance.

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The reservoir system has a Styrofoam platform holds the plants. This platform floats directly on the nutrient solution. These hydroponic growing systems also have an air pump connected to an air stone. This air stone is responsible for producing the bubbles that supply oxygen to the roots of the plants. These hydroponic growing systems don’t work well with large plants, so they are commonly used for plants that grow fast and require a lot of water like lettuce.


One of the final types of hydroponic growing systems is the aeroponic variety. With this system, the roots of the plants hang in the air and are misted with solution. A timer controls the frequency that this misting occurs, which is usually done every few minutes. The main disadvantage with these hydroponic growing systems is that the misting mechanism can clog which will dry out the roots of the plants. Also, this type of system is very high-tech and will be very expensive.

These are some of the common types of hydroponic growing systems. Wick systems are extremely simple, but may not be suitable for large plants because the wick may not be capable of providing enough solution. There are also aeroponic systems spray mist on the roots of the plants. These hydroponic growing systems are very high-tech and expensive.