How to Move to New Zealand with a Residence Permit and Be Able to Work

If you have plans to escape America and move abroad to New Zealand, you might need to get yourself a residence permit, or residence visa, depending on how long you plan on making New Zealand your home. If you are moving to New Zealand on a temporary basis, for just for a few years, then a residence permit will not be the best option for your application to live and work in New Zealand. However, if you have plans of living and working in New Zealand on a more permanent basis, then you will want to make sure that you submit an application for a residence permit before you pack up and leave for New Zealand.

Unlike most overseas countries, a residence permit in New Zealand allows you the ability to work. This means you will not have to worry with getting a separate work permit if you receive a New Zealand residence permit.

When you are ready to submit your application for a residence permit, you will do all of this through the NZIS, as is the case with any other immigration forms and paperwork that is submitted. It is best if you make your application for residency while you are still in the United States or your home country if the United States is not your home country. However, if you are in New Zealand legally, they will most likely accept you application for a residence permit if you submit it while still within the borders of New Zealand. You should check with a local NZIS though before you submit your application. If your application for residency is refused for some reason, there is an appeals process in place for you to utilize. All appeals are handled and processed by the Independent Residence Appeal Authority.

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As is usually the case when applying for residence permits in a foreign country, there are some requirements that must be met in order for your application to be approved.

First, you must be able to prove that you and any family members that might be with you are in good health. You will have to do this to ensure that your family will not need access to public health services, which would create a burden on the services that are intended for use of New Zealand’s citizens. You and your family will have to have a medical assessment by an approved doctor in New Zealand, including having chest x-ray certificates to include with your application. These certificates cannot be older than 3 months, and children under 11 years of age and pregnant women are exempt from the x-ray requirement.

Second, anyone in your family that is over the age of 17 will need to provide proof of good conduct. Typically, this means getting something from the police or FBI stating that you do not have a criminal record.

Third, you must be able to speak English fluently. New Zealand has two official languages, which are English and Maori. English is more commonly spoken, so all residents are required to be able to communicate in English.

Last, there are income requirements to be met in order to be awarded residency. You will have to be able to show that you have sufficient financial resources to support yourself, and your family if moving with them, for at least your first 4 years in New Zealand. The most recent information on income requirements range from around $31,000 per year for one dependant up to almost $48,000 for four or more dependants.