How to Get a Residency Permit and Citizenship in Germany as an American

German citizenship can only be applied for once you have gotten a residence permit and been a full-time German resident for 8 consecutive years.

You must also meet the following qualifications to obtain German citizenship: a valid Aufenthaltserlaubnis or Aufenthaltsberechtigung residency permit, a livelihood guarantee of you and your dependants without recourse to social welfare or unemployment benefits (aka you have enough money to support yourself), proficiency of the German language, an oath on the German constitution, and you sometimes have to give up your former citizenship.

Clearly, a residency permit is the first thing you will need in order to be on your way to securing German citizenship for yourself. As an American, you will not need a tourist visa to apply for a residency permit. Simply register your residence at the local Einwohnermeldeamt, where you also get the application forms for a residency permit. You will need to have some of the following documents in order to apply for a residence permit: a valid passport, passport size photographs, valid health insurance, your residence registration, proof of your financial means, a certificate of health, and a certificate of good conduct/no police record. If you are working, you will also need proof of employment, usually in the form of a letter from your employer.

When you arrrive at the Ausländerbehörde to get your residence permit, there will most likely be a long line that you will first have to wait in. Then, you will be called for an interview where your documentation is checked to make sure everything is complete and in order. If it is not, you will be sent away and told to return another day.

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You can expect your residence permit to arrive in one to two weeks. Until then, you will have a certificate that is a temporary permit in the event some asks for your residence permit. Remember that your residence permit is only valid when it is with your passport. If your passport expires while you have the resident permit, you will have to do the entire process all over again. It is advisable to renew your passport before applying for the residence permit.

More than likely, your first residence permit will be a limited residence permit, called Aufenthaltserlaubnis. However, once you have this permit you can use it as a springboard to the unlimited settlement permit. The unlimited settlement permit, or Niederlassungserlaubnis, secures your permanent residence in Germany with no time restrictions whatsoever. To qualify for this permit, the following conditions must be met: a residence permit for at least 5 years, 5 years of employment, a secure livelihood, sufficient housing accommodations, proficient in the German language, and knowledge of the German legal and social systems.

And remember, once you have been a resident for 8 years, you can apply for German citizenship and gain the coveted citizenship to European Union member country.
