How to Morph a Picture

When it comes to photo morphing, there are a number of software packages out there to chose from. They run the gamut between simple photo merging software right up to professional software like Adobe Photoshop and ImageReady. One very good software is called Abrosoft FantaMorph which is user friendly and very easy for beginners to use. It creates fantastic morphed pictures that are consistent and seamless.

With Fantamorph you can an unlimited number of images with easy to use editing tools. You can export your creations in 32-bit frames still images, and can also export them in animated form: GIF, EXE, Sreensaver mode, AVI as well as still image sequence.

Morpheus Photo Morpher is another amazing piece of software that transforms photos and morphs them right on the screen. This software is also good for beginners, and the features can be used more and more as you gain experience with the product.

You can create your own photo effects and all you need to get started is two digital photos. Morpheus allows you to upload your morphing as animations as well as exporting them as slide images. As animations, you can see each image morphing right before your eyes.

One of the simplest morphing softwares out there is FaceDub. It has a very simple interface that is perfect for beginners who want to morph a couple of images into a final image. You can’t really mess up with FaceDub because it has a program called BrushMagic which allows you to undo any mistakes you might make. This software works with any image, but it works best on faces. It targets the face and precisely aligns the face to make it as close to the original as possible.

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FaceDub has algorithms built in that commercial artists use like skin blending which is easy to find and use. It makes head morphing look better than many other photo editing software. It also takes care of repetitive tasks and allows you to merge face photos with body shots that you have or are available template models on the site.

One of the classic ways you can merge photos is by using a software like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe ImageReady. These softwares aren’t cheap, but they allow you to merge or morph to photos into a third image and come with a plethora of filters, brushes and the like in order to make your morphed photos look great.

If you’re looking to merge or morph photos, you can use the tweening feature in Adobe ImageReady after merging the layers of the photos you want to morph. If you just want to morph two pictures, you simply need to decrease the opacity on one of the pictures using the layers.

Dropping these two pictures into ImageReady, all you need to do is Tween it and export each picture for the morph shot. This will work with two or more pictures, although unlike the other softwares mentioned, this is more manually driven and user-controlled.
