How to Make Southern Fried Pies

You might have eaten a store-bought, individual pie before, but unless you’ve been to the south and tried one of their fried pies, you don’t know a pie! Other brands of individual pies have a thick crust and the fruit sinks to the bottom of the pie during its shelf life. The first bite you take is usually just crust! Those kinds of pies are good, though, with their apple, cherry or lemon filling, but if you really want a great pie, have a southern fried pie. You might have already tried the pies; in fact, you could already be addicted to the scrumptious treats. If so, you’ll be thrilled to know you can easily make them at home yourself!

The crust itself is very important when it comes to making southern fried pies. If you want an easy way to make the pies you can simply start with frozen pie crusts. They’re convenient and make a delicious crust for the individual pies. Another choice is to make your own pie crusts. That’s fine but make sure you roll the crust out very, very thin. That’s the key to the perfect fried pie: very thin crust. If using the frozen pie shells thaw them completely before making the pies.

After the pie crust is ready use a large glass to cut circles for the pies. Glasses that are made with really thick glass are not ideal. Thin plastic or glass glasses work great. You can make the southern fried pies (sometimes called tarts or turnovers) any size you want and that’s directly dependent on the size glass you choose to cut the circles. A small glass, of course, will make small pies and larger glasses will make bigger pies.

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After cutting all the circles you possibly can begin adding the fruit or pudding. If you’re using fruit it should be fully cooked and not soupy. It’s ultra-easy if you simply buy canned pie filling, in flavors of cherry, apple, strawberry or peach, then simply spoon the filling onto the pie crust circles. Instead of fruit you can use chocolate, lemon or other puddings.

One mistake people sometimes make when filling the pie shells is to spoon in too much fruit or pudding. Although, to them, it doesn’t seem like too much, as the pies cook the filling will burst out of the pie. What a mess! The pies are mostly empty, then, so you won’t get many raves about the finished dessert. Another common mistake is to place the filling on one half of the pie crust circle. When you fold the crust over, and go to pinch the edges shut, some of the fruit or juice can get caught between the layers. This oozed fruit can cause the edges of the pie to cook quicker than the rest of it. It can also keep the two layers of pie crust from sealing well.

To create the perfect southern fried pie place a spoonful of filling directly in the center. For small pies use a teaspoon; for larger pies use a tablespoon. Spread the filling slightly from one end to the other so that there is a row of filling down the center of the circle. Stay completely away from the edges at both ends. Pinch the edges of the pies closed taking care not to lean the pie one way or the other the pie should be held where the rounded side is facing up. After the edges are pinched shut create the perfect edging by using thumb and forefinger to press the edges, spacing them evenly. There are other things you can use to make the edge, like the end of a spoon handle.

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Drop the pies into hot oil for nearly a minute then turn them over. Continue turning them over every half-minute until they are as brown as you wish. The browner you get them the crispier the crust will be. Most southern fried pies have a very soft crust that is only crispy around the edges. Since the edges will brown first you can judge how long to cook the pie by the shade they turn.

Remove the pies from the oil and drain them on paper towels. Wrap in waxed paper and tape shut to save the pies for later but make sure the pies are room temperature before wrapping. The perfect wrap is made when you cut a large square of waxed paper and set it on a table so that it looks like a diamond shape in front of you. Lay the pie horizontally in the center of the paper. Take the right corner and fold it over the pie so that it reaches the center or further. Do the same to the left side. Fold the bottom over the top in that same manner, but after folding it once, begin rolling the whole pie until the remainder of the paper is wrapped around it. Use a sticker or tape to secure.

You’ve never tasted a pie like a southern fried pie, and once you do, you’ll always want another and another! No more running to the store to get those individual pies; you can easily make them at home. Now the whole family can have them and you’ll no longer have to sit at the store parking lot and eat them!

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