52 Pie Ideas: A Different Pie for Every Week of the Year

Variety is the spice of life. Desserts can be a very nice treat to make. Pies are a very popular dessert. Here are 52 different kind of pies to give you the inspiration to make a different pie every week.

Apple Pie

As long as you got apples, fresh , canned, or dried, you can whip up one of the most traditional pies all year long.

Apple Butter Pie

Don’t worry most recipes only call for a half of cup of apple butter and the pie will look like a pumpkin pie.

Almond Pie

Most recipes will call for both chopped almonds and almond extract.

Strawberry Pie

You can use frozen strawberries but the best taste will come from fresh ones.

Cherry Pie

Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t take the time to make the filling for your cherry pie from scratch, by using the canned filling you can make a cherry pie anytime that you want.

Banana Cream Pie

When you have bananas on hand and all your standard baking supplies, flour, sugar, milk, butter etc., you can easily make this pie.

Banana Caramel Pie

This pie can be thrown together with as little as 4 ingredients, sweetened condensed milk, whipped topping, bananas and a prepared graham cracker crust.

Banana Blueberry Pie

When you are in the mood for a blueberry taste but you need to use up bananas you can make this pie.

Pecan Pie

You can make this pie with as little as a cup of chopped pecans.

Blueberry Pie

If you have fresh blueberries that is great but if you have frozen one that is fine too to make a blueberry pie out of.

Cantaloupe Cream Pie

In the summertime this can be a very unique custard pie that you can make.

See also  Hostess Apple Fruit Pie

Key Lime Pie

You’ll need lime zest and lime juice, a half of cup for a lot of recipes, so you will want to get 3 or 4 limes. If the lime is room temperature you will get more juice out of it.

Lemon Pie

Aside from a pie shell all you will need for this pie is eggs, sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice.

Cheese Cake Pie

One package, 8 ounces, of cream cheese can give this pie.

Cranberry Pie

Something that can be a fun thing to make at Thanksgiving is a cranberry pie.

Blackberry Pie

Another great berry pie is a blackberry pie.

Elderberry Pie

Make this if you feel that you might be getting sick, elderberries are very medicinal.

Pumpkin Pie

There is no rule that you have to only make this during Thanksgiving, if you have a can of pumpkin pie filling or a pumpkin you can make it.

Vanilla Pumpkin Pie

Put a new spin on the pumpkin pie for next Thanksgiving with vanilla pumpkin pie.

Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie

Another way to bring a new kind of pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving is to make a cheesecake and pumpkin mixture pie.

Coconut Cream Pie

When you have a shredded coconut, don’t worry it doesn’t have to be from a fresh coconut, on hand you can whip this up pretty easily.

Pineapple Pie

You can find great recipes for a frozen pineapple pies, so in the summertime you won’t have to turn on your oven.

Candy Bar Pie

If you have cream cheese, whip cream, pie crust and some candy bars you can whip up this pie in 20 minutes.

Chocolate Cream Pie

Chocolate lovers may be making this kind of cake more than once a year.

Rhubarb Pie

Rhubarb is pretty tart on it’s own so if you plan to make this pie make sure that you have sugar on hand.

See also  Three Quick and Delicious Shepherds Pie Recipes

Pear Pie

A less common fruit pie but still very delicious is the pear pie.

Peach Pie

Fresh peaches in the summertime make a wonderful peach pie.

Gooseberry Pie

You may not see a lot of gooseberries because they are native in Europe, but if you do come across them remember that you can make an awesome pie with them.

Watermelon Pie

This pie is both interesting and tasty.

Kool-Aid Pie

Kids and adults often enjoy this pie.

Peanut Butter Pie

If you love peanut butter you’ll love this pie.

Honey Pie

You should only need a cup of honey to make this pie.

Chess Pie

You can whip this pie up if you have all you need to make a pie crust and butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla extract for the filling.

Mango Pie

This is a fun fruit pie to make in the summertime.

Margarita Pie

This pie can have alcohol so it isn’t family friendly but you can find recipes that skips the tequila and is something that everyone can enjoy.

Nectarine Pie

A recipe usually will call for 5 or 6 nectarines and some of them don’t require you to cut the nectarines more than in half.

Oatmeal Pie

This can be a tasty dessert or a popular breakfast with a twist.

Raisin Pie

If you keep raisins on hand and have about 2 cups you should be able to find a recipe to make this pie.

Raspberry Pie

You’ll need 4 cups usually to make this pie.

Raspberry Cherry Pie

You can make a raspberry pie and cut the amount of raspberries that you are going to need and add a cup of cherries to the mix.

Ice Cream Pie

See also  How to Make and Freeze Apple Pie Filling

If you are not finding a recipe for this they can also be referred to as snow pies.

Walnut Pie

In order to make a walnut pie you will likely only need a cup of walnuts.

Zucchini Pie

A dessert that squash lovers will enjoy is a zucchini pie.

Apple Butterscotch Crumb Pie

Take another shot at spicing up an apple pie with butterscotch.

Apple Cranberry Pie

Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to combine and apple and a cranberry pie together.

Applesauce Pie

When you don’t have apples on hand but have apple sauce you can make an applesauce pie.

Apricot Pies

These often have peaches in the ingredients as well.

Avocado Pie

If you love avocado you will likely enjoy this interesting pie.

Huckleberry Pie

Huckleberries can sometimes be hard to come by but if you have enough for a pie, about 4 cups, you may want to make this wonderful dessert.

Candy Apple Pie

Halloween might be the time to make this pie.

Cappuccino Pie

Coffee lovers might be getting tired of cake with their coffee, when that is the case you can make a cappuccino pie.

Moca Pie

Another pie that might get coffee lovers excited is moca pie.

Now that you have all the idea that you need to last you a whole year all you need to do is find the recipes. If you aren’t finding some of these kinds of pies in your cookbook look online for them.