Briana’s Recipes – Best Ever Turkey Soup

If You’ve Tried my “Amazing” turkey soup, this is even better! I’ve created a new recipe, and it’s sure to become a family favorite for your family, as it is with mine.

Some years back I invented the “Amazing” turkey soup recipe. I wanted soup, and I had leftover turkey that needed to be used. It was a great recipe, and everyone enjoyed it, but over the years I’ve been tweaking it, and now I have the best turkey soup recipe ever. It’s a bit time consuming, but it’s well worth the effort, and it makes plenty of servings, so you can freeze it and enjoy it all winter long.

If you don’t have enough leftover turkey to make this soup, consider pooling leftovers with other friends or family. You can make one large soup and divvy it up among all those who contribute. You can actually do this for all the ingredients so no one person has to spend all the money. It can be a great way to get the family together again for a great meal and some time in the kitchen.


* 1/2 of a roasted turkey (breast, thigh, wing, drum, neck & back. If you have more than one turkey, you can add more breast and thigh meat to the soup)
* 3 turnips, cut into roughly 3/4″ cubes
* 1 whole leek, chiffonade cut
* 1 parsnip, cut into roughly 3/4″ cubes
* 4 small red potatoes, quartered but not peeled
* 1 lb carrots, sliced (or use baby carrots, halved)
* 1 large can peeled tomatoes (plain, not seasoned)

* 1 can dark red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
* 5 chicken bullion cubes
* 1 tsp basil
* 1/2 tsp thyme
* 2 tsp minced garlic
* 1 tbsp parsley
* 1 tsp rosemary
* 1 tsp fresh ground black pepper
* 1/4 tsp sage
* 1 1/2 cups V8 type vegetable juice
* 1/2 cup brown sugar
* 1/2 tbsp brown mustard
* 4 tbsp barbecue sauce
* Small pasta like Ditalini or Mini Shells, or rice (optional)

See also  Memorial Day Snacks, Meals, Drinks, Menu Ideas

Tear all the edible meat off your turkey bones and chop it into bite-sized cubes. Set aside the wings, neck, and all bones and skin, do not discard them.

Place your leek, turnip, carrot, potato, kidney beans and meat into a large soup pot.

In a large saucepan, add the wing meat and neck (put the skin and bones in too, we’ll get those out later), bullion cubes, basil, thyme, garlic, parsley, rosemary, pepper, and sage. Add enough water to fill the saucepan. Bring to full boil, then reduce to a simmer. This is our stock.

Over the next hour, use a ladle to scoop off the stock, being careful not to take out the herbs. (You want the herbs to keep simmering and adding flavor to the stock.) Ladle out about 1 1/2 cups at a time, pour it into the soup pot on top of the vegetables, then add more water to the saucepan. Continue to do this about every 10 minutes or so. Be sure to stir the pot and move the meat around.

After an hour or so you should have your soup pot around half full. If not, keep boiling and scooping the stock until you do. Now use a colander to strain the remaining liquid off into the soup pot. It’s okay if some of the herbs fall into the soup at this point.

Use a large plate to prepare the meat from the saucepan. Discard the neck, bones and skin. Cut the remaining meat into bite-sized pieces and add to the pot.

See also  Bear Creek Soup Mix

Add the barbecue sauce, tomatoes (liquid and all), brown sugar, mustard and vegetable juice. Add water to make the pot about 3/4 full. Don’t fill it to the top, since you’ll need room to stir it from time to time.

Keep the pot on low heat, stir occasionally. Cook until the veggies are just tender. (The turnip will take the longest.) Be careful not to overcook.

Cook your pasta or rice according to package instructions. Put the pasta or rice in a bowl and ladle the soup on top to serve.

Other Info:

This recipe makes around 16-18 hearty servings. You can freeze portions for later after the soup cools.

Serve the soup over pasta, white rice, or wild rice to add variety at each serving.

Don’t freeze the soup with pasta or rice already in it. They will absorb the moisture, and you would need to add water to return it to a soup-like state. Make the rice or pasta at the time you serve the soup.

If you want to make serving easier later on, you can cook rice and/or pasta in advance, toss it with a small amount of olive oil, then freeze it in single-serve portions. This way people can grab a portion of rice/pasta and a portion of soup, then thaw and eat.
