How to Lose 100 Pounds in 3 Months

Is it really possible to lose 100 pounds in 3 months? According to some sources, the answer is a resounding ‘no’. We all know from experience, however, that ‘official’ sources aren’t always true to real-life realities.

Anyone who has 100 pounds to lose knows how much that extra weight impacts your health. Ask any official and they’ll tell you that it is unsafe to lose more than two or three pounds a week. For someone who is morbidly obese, this could mean taking a year or longer to lose all their extra weight.

Which is more dangerous: losing weight quickly or holding onto your weight over the long haul?

As is obvious from shows like ‘The Biggest Loser’, it is possible to lose weight quickly. Whether this is dangerous or not is entirely a personal thing – you should, under no circumstances, start a diet without consulting a doctor first.

That leaves the question: how do I lose 100 pounds in 3 months?

With diet and exercise. With is an infuriating answer, usually because it is something that everyone has tried. Before you get mad and storm away, consider this: you might be trying incorrectly.

There is a key element to losing weight – you must diet CORRECTLY and you must exercise FERVENTLY. Cutting soda out of one’s diet and walking for an hour a day is a very good start, and a commendable effort, but you are not going to lose 100lbs in 3 months on this diet.

You must go on a strict diet. Consult with your doctor regarding a low-carb diet, which is an excellent diet with proven results. Once you have a diet in place, you must formulate an exercise plan. This plan shouldn’t push you to the point of a heart attack or painful cramping or anything serious (use common sense and listen to your body), but it should push you very far, perhaps farther than you are used to or comfortable with.

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Some excellent exercises that get your heart pumping includes tabatas, HIIT, heavy weight lifting, running, cycling, kickboxing, and other similar activities. If you’re uncertain of how to proceed, you should consult an online fitness website and ask for someone to recommend a workout for you. If you can afford it, you can also consult with a personal trainer and have a workout formulated for you.


Oh no, you say. There’s a downside? Why yes, yes there is. Everyone’s body is different. You may stick to a perfect diet and exercise everyday and still not lose 100 pounds in a month. Generally, the less weight one has to lose, the slower it will come off. For example, if you weigh 400LBS, it will be very possible to lose 100 pounds in 3 months with the right guidance. If you only have 100 pounds to lose, it could take 6 months or a year or longer.

NOTE: this article is for informational purposes only, and shouldn’t be taken as medical or fitness advice. Always consult with a certified trainer or medical professional before undertaking any diet or beginning any exercise routine.