How to Help Varicose Veins with Herbs

Recently, I was diagnosed with varicose veins. I feel that at 48 I am to young, and suppose it has to do with the years I have spent on my feet teaching. I was advised that there isn’t much to be done as usually they are merely sightly. However the doctor advised that if the veins get problematic, he can strip them. Wonder what other option besides painful surgery, I began searching and found out that there are many herbs and natural products that have been shown to have a positive effect in decreasing the amount and severity of varicose veins.

1) One such herb that is suggested to be used for varicose veins is horse chestnut seed extract. This is said to be the best natural remedy for varicose veins. Some argue that the secret to the herb is using it faithfully before you even get varicose veins. However, others claim it works to reduce the veins afterwords. The horse chestnut seed extract is said to improve blood flow and to strengthen veins. It is suggested that you take 240 milligrams twice a day. I did not find the herb at my local General Nutrition Center, but they were able to order it for me.

2) Butchers broom. I had never heard of this herb before researching how to decrease my varicose veins. Butchers broom is suppose to take care of the pain and reduce swelling. As a new sufferer of varicose veins, I can verify that the swelling does get very bad, especially after a day of standing on my feet teaching. I had to go to .com to purchase the butchers broom as I could not find it in health food stores. The directions suggest taking 10 milligrams per day, however be sure that you are consuming butchers broom with the active ingredients ruscogenin and neoruscogenin. Without these it is not pure and it will not work effectively.

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3) Garlic. I assume you could just eat a bunch of garlic, but you might become unpopular, so I would suggest buying some garlic pills instead. Garlic is good for circulating, and will keep the blood flowing through your veins. most garlic pills suggest taking two per day. However, if you really want to chase your friends off or ward off vampires, you can eat once close of garlic per day.

4) Grape Seed Extract. Luckily I already had some on hand. Grape seed extract is an antioxidant and increases the strength of varicose veins in addition to increasing blood flow and purifying blood. It is recommended that you take 50 milligrams a day of grape seed extract. As it is suggested for almost every ailment, I figure I can’t be going wrong!

5) Witch Hazel. Talk about an old fashioned remedy. Your grandmother might still have some witch hazel hanging around her house. Be careful in b buying witch hazel so you buy the purest brand. You want to purchase it as a non distilled hydro alcoholic extract. This simply means that it is in its purest state and the most active ingredient, tannin, has not been removed. I can not find the non distilled variety anywhere, so good luck. However you can also boil witch hazel leaves and strain it, and use the leftover liquid to create a soak. When placing witch hazel directly on a cloth and soaking the veins in it, the swelling goes down. I have tried it with regular witch hazel and it actually worked. The varicose veins were less painful and were less swollen.

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Before you let your doctor ” strip” your veins, which can be a very painful process, ask him if you can try using herbs first. However be sure and check with your doctor before adding any herbs to your vitamin regimen as herbs sometimes counteract prescription medication.


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