How to Grow Longer Stronger Nails

My fingernails and thin and unattractive, and I’ve always envied those who were able to grow longer stronger nails. I had a friend in high school who had real nails that looked perfect, just like the high-quality false variety people pay top dollar for. She could grow longer stronger nails quickly and easily. Her nails were absolutely beautiful, and I wondered how I could grow longer stronger nails like the attractive ones my friend had. Nail hardener helped a little, but nothing helped as much as the following home remedies.

If you have thin brittle nails that bend and never seem to grow longer and stronger, try the following tips and advice. Keep in mind that all home remedies and methods to grow longer and stronger nails take time, but with patience and perseverance, you too can have the longer and stronger nails you’ve always wanted.

Gelatin Capsules

I’m not a gelatin eater. Matter of fact I really don’t like gelatin desserts, and I never eat them, but I take gelatin capsules on a daily basis. The protein in gelatin is said to grow longer and stronger fingernails, and it has helped my nails become thicker and they grow faster than they did in the past.

Visit your local health food store, or shop online for gelatin capsules. Alternately you can add gelatin powder to fruit juice or other drinks if you don’t like gelatin desserts. Gelatin capsules and gelatin powder are great alternatives to calorie-laden foods, and they’re also a great way to grow longer and stronger fingernails without having to eat desserts and dishes you really don’t want or need.

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The protein found in beans, nuts, tofu, and lean meats are even better than the incomplete protein found in gelatin, but many people are unaware of the affect protein has on fingernails. If you want to grow longer stronger fingernails, add complete protein to your diet. If you’re a vegetarian, add more seeds and nuts to salads and main dishes, and add more beans and tofu to your usual diet. Meat eaters should include the abovementioned foods as well as lean fish and other high-protein meats. Your nails will grow longer and stronger as a result, and you’ll definitely notice the difference once your body receives the amount of protein required for healthy fingernails.

Proper Hand Care

Those who want longer and stronger fingernails shouldn’t ignore their hands. Proper hand care is essential for long, strong, beautiful nails, and if you have a few extra minutes each day you can give your hands the attention they require.

Always dry your hands thoroughly after washing, and apply vitamin-enriched lotion on a regular basis. In addition, keep your cuticles clean and gently pushed back. The care you give your hands will be reflected in the condition of your nails, and they’ll look far more attractive as a result.


Massaging the nails and fingertips is an effective way to promote nail grow. It increases blood flow, and increased blood flow encourages growth. Buy high-quality nail cream, and regularly massage your nails and fingertips. Your hands will be silky smooth, and your nails will grow longer and stronger than ever before.